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Old 04/17/10, 10:44 PM   #1
Kamen Rider Dragoon
Ranger In Training
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Join Date: 03/23/10
Location: i live were the wind takes me.
Posts: 88

Kio steped off his bike as the police began running away and walked calmly up to the dophants.

"EH? Whats this? Someone with a deathwish? well i can do that easily....gah!" He didnt finish his sentice for at that exact moment Fang jumped and attacked, hitting the magma dophant hard then going to Kio's hand.

"Listen i will only say this once. Give up now and trow away your gaia memories. If you do i am sure the police will be lenient with you."

"As if i would give up all this power. What kind of idiots do you take us for?" The t-rex nodded in agreement.

"So be it. I tried but you guys jut want to be idiots." Kio slaped on his driver and changed fang into its memory form then pressed the button. Fang "Henshin." He placed fang into position. As soon as it changed into a raptor head on the driver it repeated its name and with a whirl of blue and white energy Kio transformed into Kamen Rider Fang. Kio then struck a pose and pointed at them, palm down. "Now..lets count your crimes. hehe...i always wanted to say that."
[CENTER][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]When all else fails....
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