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Old 06/05/15, 10:43 PM   #4
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we're looking at Watered Down written by Al Winchel, and directed by Vikie Bronough.

So we start off with today's "My dad taught me" moment where Ryan talks about how his dad taught him that friends are always there when you need them.

We then go to a beach where the Troopers are playing volleyball with some kids, and we get a comedy bit where Percy tries to put the moves on some beautiful girls who are petting Jeb.

At Ziktor industries Ziktor is watching some Spielban footage when a secretary gives him a jar of a red substance which he explains is called the VR shield a substance designed to block the VR Troopers powers.

Then he sees the Troopers playing volleyball on the beach near where his lab is so he transforms into Grimlord, and Icebot explains that he's already given the VR shield to a new Octopus like mutant named Octobot so his lab is safe.

Back at the beach the Troopers find some of the VR shield on some seaweed but don't know what it is so they go to the Underground Voice Daily, and JB explains that they don't know what it is.

So Ryan, and JB decide to go scuba diving to find anything while Kaitlin takes the sample to the lab.

At the lab the Professor explains that the analyzer can't find out what the substance while Grimlord sees JB getting the diving equipment ready so a random guy goes up to him, and transforms into an army of Skugs.

First the Skugs jump at JB but he just throws them then he kicks them, and one Skug tries to use an oxygen tank as a weapon but JB kicks the Skug, and the oxygen tank just hits the other Skugs, Skugs.

JB grabs a Skug's leg, and throws it into another destroying them so the two remaining ones transform into Ultra Skugs, and punch JB but he grabs an Ultra Skug, and throws it into the other destroying them.
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