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Old 03/10/15, 01:52 PM   #4
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Default Re: Does the backstory to Samurai ruin the PRU timeline?

Originally Posted by Usagi Reborn View Post
It doesn't make sense that there was so.l many Rangers before the Samurais we see. This Ranger team goes back generations. In other similar situations we had Ranger teams powers decsended from worriers from long ago that weren't Rangers. Which leads me to believe that these teams had their powers connected to the grid later.
of course it makes sense even with Sentai dictating a lot of the footage that we see it's still possible for so many of the Samurai Rangers to exist before Jayden, Emily, etc. came into their Samurai powers.

Zordon wasn't a fan of telling people anything unless he absolutely needed to. Every time his team were having issues he told them how to take care of an issue or he gave them a new power when their current powers weren't strong enough so it's entirely possible the Samurai Rangers were around while the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers were active their activities just weren't each other's concern since they had more pressing matters of their own.
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