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Old 03/05/15, 08:27 PM   #116
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

At Ziktor industries one of Ziktor's secretaries informs him of what's going on while in the Virtual Dungeon Crabor is goofing around.

Grimlord appears, and summons the other mutants, and orders Renegade (who now has his old boring head), Minotaurbot, Chrome Dome, and Crabor to defend the virus.

Back at Tao dojo the Troopers get a message from the Professor explaining what's going on, and they look at where the Skugs tried to steal the plants, and see a spot that hasn't been infected with the virus but they don't know which plant it was so they take some branches to the lab.

After an awesome but impractical scene with the Troopers in Kaitlin's car they arrive at the lab, and give the Professor the branches, and he figures out what plant they need but they need more, and Grimlord's mutants are attacking so JB, and Kaitlin transform while Ryan stays to help the Professor.

Air Fighters fire on the Skybase but JB, and Kaitlin destroy them, and some Quantum Cruisers while at the lab the Professor tells Ryan he's programmed the coordinates to find more plants in his Turbo Cycle so he also transforms.

Renegade, Minotaurbot, Chrome Dome, and Crabor go to deal with Ryan so Renegade fires a laser at Ryan but he hides underwater.

But Crabor appears, and whips Ryan with his tentacles, and grabs him but JB fires a laser at Crabor so he retreats.

Then we see Ryan rescue a rabbit before he finds Crabor who goes back to grabbing, and whipping Ryan, and also throws blobs of slime from his hand to trap Ryan so Crabor can electrocute Ryan, and spit more green slime from his tongue.

But Ryan uses Supercharge to free himself then uses Lighting Hand to sever one of Crabor's tentacles but it regenerates into a claw but Ryan uses Lighting Hand on Crabor, and kicks him destroying him.

Then Ryan finds the plant they need then Ryan jumps into the Skybase, and the Professor is able to right then, and there make an antidote, and load it into the missiles.

The Troopers fire missiles at random scenery, and that saves reality, and Grimlord once again swears vengeance on the Troopers.

Back at the Underground Voice Daily Woody shows the Troopers a story about the Troopers saving reality, and we get one last comedy bit with Percy.

Anyway "I miss you dad" the end.
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