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Old 03/02/15, 09:58 AM   #7
Becky G
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce

Power Rangers Super Megaforce Chapter 26

Levira: *Back at the Armada*

Vekar I have the girl...

Vekar: Yes my plan is coming go get the formula.

Levira: Yes sire....

*Goes to the lab to get the solution*

Gia: I have a name ugly freak your whole family is ugly another thing i'm not staying here with you forever i'm with someone and never leaving him.

Levira: Well thats to bad you won't be around much or the other rangers.

*Laughs and takes the bottle to Vekar*

Emma: *Emma walks out of the command center and looks for Noah*

Noah: *In the woods walking alone to think and train*

I won't let you touch them ever i don't care about me i protect them especially Noah no one touches him Runs into a room sits in a chair gets my morpher out calls Emma.

*Hears her morpher*

Gia is that you where are you.

Yes it's me i'm on the Armada with Levira and Vekar They said you won't be around much longer but neither will i but i'm more worried about you all than me right now how's Noah.

He's good just training he misses you and blames himself as do I be safe do you know what's going on.

I don't want to lose him but the only thing i know is i know what they have planned for me not sure about you tell him i will see him soon can you keep him safe.

Of course your my best friend stay focused.

I will try but you have to tell the others and Gosei i can't lose either of you just tell him please.

I will you worry to much Noah is strong and will minded just be careful alright.

I will try but they don't know i came in the room to talk to you they are getting the plan ready for me.

Alright keep your morpher out of sight.

I know where to put it.

Good I'll see you soon be safe.

I know just tell him i will see him soon i think they are coming.

*Notices the yellow ranger*

What do you think your doing.

*Comes in and zaps the morpher out of your hand*

*Emma puts her morpher away and goes to look for Noah in the woods*

I won't let you touch them even if something bad happens to me i can keep them safe from you Picks up my morpher and puts it on the side under my long wedding dress.

*Keeps training in the woods and then stops a sec to rest*

*Runs to him*

Noah you look exhasuted.

*Grabs your arm before you can tuck it away*

I'll be taking this...

*Grabs the morpher from you*

You won't be needing this yet...not until we're done.

*Walks off back to Vekar*
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