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Old 03/02/15, 09:43 AM   #2
Becky G
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce

Power Rangers Megaforce Chapter 12

Vrak: *Summons Bigs and Bluefur on to the underwater base*

Blufeur: Vrak nice place you have here...what are we doing here.

Vrak: I need your help in finding me a mutant that can destroy the rangers once and for all....they took my servant and creator of this new body from me so with that they must be destroyed.

Bigs: I have a much better idea...instead of destroying the rangers why don't you just enslave them and make the rangers conquer the earth for us.

Vrak: That plan just might be powerful enough to work...if this plan works I will make you my number one general...with that said do you have a mutant in mind.

Bigs: Yes his name is Webmaster he as nasty as it comes...his wraps can enslave any humans he come in contact with and his staff is filled with cursed sand so those pesty rangers won't even know what hit them.

Vrak: Brilliant! go Bigs....go get my mutant and don't come back without a ranger and you go with him make sure his plans don't fail.

Both Bluefur and Bigs: Yes.

*Nods and teleport to locate Webmaster*.

Bigs: Webmaster!! rise!!.

Webmaster: *Rises up from the sand stretching*

Who awakens the great and mighty Webmaster.

Blufur: Yes...he's back and he never change a bit.

Webmaster: And I see you never change either Bluefur and neither did you Bigs.

Bigs: We need your help and those wraps...does your wraps still have the ability to enslave humans.

Webmaster: Does it still enslave let me show you.

*Pulls out my whip and wraps up a nearby human*.

Now watch.

*The wrap disappears making the human my slave*.

Bigs: works we want you to use that wrap on 5 teenagers who been a thorn in our side...if you can accomplish this...we will let you have any pick of any human to be your personal slave...including the power rangers.

Webmaster: Oh that's all...I will be back faster then you can say Webmaster is the greatest.

*Teleports to a nearby television station*.

Bluefur: Webmaster is the....

Bigs: Bluefur!! He didn't mean it literally...

Blufur: Well he said...

Bigs: I know what he said...

*Puts hand on head and shakes head*

Oh my aching tentacle...

*He was walking near the area and see's people running*

What the?

*He runs towards*.

Come on hurry hurry....before those rangers show up...get the broadcast ready....and you guys.

*Points to a half of the Loogies*.

Go slow down any intruders who dare interrupt.

*Sends the Loogies outside*.

Oh great Loogies.

*Starts to fight the Loogies*.

*Emma was in the forest taking pictures of butterflies and called Jake*.

Jake are you alright where are you.

Hey Em what's going on.

Jake's somewhere in the city I think he might be in trouble.

*At the command center with Dr. O helping Gosei to revive his green powers*.

Let's go help him.


*Packs my camera and all in the bag as we run to the city*.

I am starting to hate these Loogies Starts fighting them.

Yes the broadcast is Loogies get out of here and help with guarding the place from intruders.

*Sends more Loogies out to guard the front*.

*Calls them*

Guys i need your help.

*He fights*

Jake were coming right behind you.

*Fights a few*.

*He gets hit.

* Ahh.

Gosei: Noah your friends need your help...go help them at the TV broadcast station and tell the rangers there is a mutant inside that is looking to broadcast to the humans in order to enslave them.

Ok Gosei

*Teleports to the broadcast station*.

Hey guys.

*Fights a few*.

We have to get inside...there is a mutant inside and Gosei says he can enslave the human race.

Just what we need a mutant that inslaves people.


I'm not sure about this but we have to stop him, have any of you tried reaching Gia.

Gosei been trying when I left but couldn't reach her.


*He fights*.

*Starts the broadcast signal*.

Greetings humans....I am your new only obey me...I want you humans to come down to the radio station and help with the fight....for robotic and mutant kind.


Guys this doesn't sound good we need Gia I'll try reaching her.

*Fights them as I call Gia*.

Gia where are you we need help.

*He still fights the Loogies*.

Keeps fighting the Loogies.

*Still fighting the Loogies*.

Guys I have a bad feeling...we need to get inside now....I don't know about you guys but I'm going in.

*Pulls out my Morpher*.

Troy and I will handle them you guys go inside and I'll try Gia again.

Right behind ya buddy.

*Pulls out morpher*.

Just be careful you never know what will happen.

*The humans starts to show up and attack Troy and Emma*.

Lets go Jake.

*Inserts my change card as I run inside*.


*Changes as I enter the building*.

We don't want to hurt them but if something happens to Noah and Jake Gia isn't going to be happy remember what happened to her.

Troy let's morph,

Go Go Mega Force.

*Inserts my Phoenix shot card*.

Phoenix shot activate.

*Blasts the Loogies*.

Troy we can't hurt these people.

*Puts in card*.


*Morphs running in with Noah*.

Inserts my change card.


We have to try without hurting them remember what happened when people were turning into Loogies.

*Sees more Loogies*.

Come on Jake we have to get to the control room.

*Inserts my weapon card*.

Sharkbow Gun.

*Starts blasting the Loogies as we running through the building*.

*Dodges the people as I reach Gia again*.

Gia we need help.

*Puts card in*.

Snake axe!.

*Slashes through some*.

*Gets on the loud speaker*.

Rangers give up while you still can you can never win this battle.

*Laughs into the mic*.

This guy is starting to bug me.

*Blasts more Loogies*.

We must be getting close...because more Loogies keep popping up.

Troy what if we get these people into a building where they can be safe while we handle the monsters.

*Keeps dodging people and runs to a building*.

Come and get me.

*Starts running*.

Shows up Sorry was doing something i know Vrak is behind this he always is Uses the small blaster from the Warstar and blasts the Loogies.

Gia help Troy get these people to a safe building and than go help Noah and Jake.

*Runs into the building as they follow and runs out closing the door*.

Gets the rest into a safe building and then helps Emma.

Is that all of them or are there more.

Gia how's it going.

Gets the other half into the building and walks out I got all the people i had in the building

I have a bad feeling about this something isn't right.

Go help Noah and Jake I need a rest for a minute.

Em you ok.

*Start the broadcast signal again but on a different network*.

Greetings humans...your mine now...go down to the TV station and get rid of those rangers.

*More humans start to show up*.

*Blasts the last few Loogies*.

Jake we're at the broadcast room...I'm going in.

*Runs inside and blast the monster*. Oops did I interrupt your little broadcast.

*Gets knocked out of the seat*.

Ahhh...little boy shouldn't of done that.

If something happens to Noah i'm seriously gonna loose it.

Yeah just need a breather.

Gia go help Noah and Jake.

What are we gonna do if more people come.

I don't know but we have to try without hurting them wish Robo Knight was here.

*More humans show up and opens the doors to let the others out*.

Yeah great were in trouble, Noah how's it going.

I can't manage to take this clown down...

*Fires at him again*.

Wish we had that weapon.

Yeah but let's use ours together.

*Dodges the blast*.

My turn blue...

*Throws a hand full of sand at the blue ranger*.

It's only the 3 of us wait a minute i remember Gia took something else maybe that will work.

Em take my weapon and combine it with yours and Troy's and this one too Throws it to you.

*Grabs yours and puts it with mine*.

Where did you get that.

The ruins of the Warstar where i took the plans and pieces.

*Tries to block the sand with my bow gun but gets hit by a little of it*.

What is this stuff...

*Starts to feel a little strange*.

My head...

Gia call Jake and ask if Noah is ok.

Although you didn't get hit by the full sand you will still obey me eventually...


Now blue go....and stand still.

*Gets ready to through my wrap at the blue ranger*.

I have a bad feeling about this i know something bad is happening almost like me but different and this time i'm not losing him to that ugly freak.

Gia go inside and check on them.

Troy ready to free these people.

Yes let's get this done.

Yes master...

*Drops my arms down to my side*. (says in my head-why can't I move)

*Puts the weapon together and fires*.

Gia go.

*Fires out a beam trapping the humans in one spot*.

Em i can't if it's happening to him then who knows what will happen to me i mean besides being under mind control which i still have i don't want him hurting anyone.

Don't worry just go in and check on both him and Jake.

*Chuckles as I get ready to wrap up the blue ranger*.

How do we help these people without hurting them.

I don't know but we have to try.

I better do this fast while I have you under my control.

*Shoots out my wraps at the blue ranger*.

Walks over to the door opens it walks into the station finds Noah and the mutant Leave him alone i don't want to lose you to that freak look what happened to me this is different.

*Still standing there not moving*. (says in my head-I can't move)

*The wraps tie up the yellow ranger instead*.

I was aiming for little boy blue but I guest the yellow ranger will work...


*We fire at them without hurting them and placing them in the sound proof building*.

*Starts to get my head back together*.

Good I'm back...

Gia! what did you do to her?.

Gia! you still in there?.

*The wraps dissolve placing her under my control*.

Blue ranger she's under my control now...


Yellow ranger...get the blue ranger.

I'll call Noah and see if he's ok and Gia too.

*Pulls out my morpher*.

Noah you alright where's Gia.

*Answers Em while trying to avoid fighting Gia*.

Umm...Em your not going to like this...Gia is.

*Gets my morpher knocked out of my hand*.

No no no blue ranger...none of that now...yellow ranger get him now.


I don't want to hurt you or Jake.

Jake glad to have you join the party we have to take care of that monster but avoid Gia...

*Still dodging and avoiding Gia*.

She's under some kind of spell.

*Calls Jake*.

Jake what's going on where's Gia.

Black ranger...I have something for you.

*Takes out a hand full of sand and tosses it at the black ranger*.


*Tries Noah*.

Noah what's going on where are you guys are you ok.


*Still trying to avoid Gia*.

Gia don't make me....

*Dodges her attacks*.

Hurt you.

*Doesn't answer but hears my morpher goes off*.

I need that morpher...

*Still dodging and avoiding Gia*.

Black and your snake axe is mine now...


Now go help the yellow ranger fight the blue ranger.

Tries not to hurt you. (says in my head Noah please do something i don't want to do this)

Yes master.

*Helps Gia*.

*Tries Noah again*.

Come on Noah pick up.

*As I wait I take off my helmet and sit down taking deep breaths*.

*Now avoiding both Gia and Jake*.

No not you to buddy...

*Sees my mopher laying on the ground*.

Sorry guys..but have to I need that morpher.

*Kicks both Gia and Jake away from me at the same time diving on the morpher picking it up*.

Emma!! HELP!!! you and Troy get to the broadcast booth fast...

*Attacks Noah*.

You fools...he called his friends...I need to get out of here and refilled my 2 finish him off quickly while I get more sand.


Emna i need to help them.

Alright just be careful I have a feeling something is wrong with Gia and Jake I'm coming with you.

No stay where its safe runs Go Go MegaForce.

*Sits down*.

Alright just be careful.

*Attacks Noah again*.

*While still trying to block both Gia and Jake I get hit and knocked to the floor*.

Guys no.

*Scoots away from them on the floor*.

Its me Noah...

*Holds onto his axe. looking at him and thinks*.

Buddy defend yourself attack me.

*Holds up axe*.

Troy runs and kicks Jake Noah are you ok.


*Hits the ground*.

*Gosei sends me away to find the secrat sands*.

Yeah thanks Troy...boy am I glad to see take Jake and I take Gia and remember don't hurt them...they don't know what they doing.

Actvites my wepon card insert dargon sword.

*Emma was sitting outside drinking water*.

I hope there ok.

*Gets up and attacks*.


You fools didn't dispose the blue ranger...but you let another one show up...I guess I have to take care of every thing myself.

*Shoots out my wrap at the red ranger*.

Blocks Jake it hits Troy.

*Calls Troy or Noah*.

Noah, Troy what's going on.

Troy...look out.

*Dives in front and blocks it with my bow gun*.

Vrak let Jake go.

*Wandering around the sands of the Sahara desert looking for the source of his powers*.

Gosei says it's here but where.

*Still looking around and gets attack my mummies*.

Well I guess I'm in the right place.

*Starts fighting the mummies off*.

Blue ranger you interfere the last the red one...I'm handle the blue ranger myself...

Don't worry about me Troy...I handle this just concentrate on dodging Jake and Gia.

*Starts fighting Webmaster*

*Emma getting worried waits outside more*.

Looks at Jake and Gia.

*Starts to fight the blue ranger*.

Come on blue is that all you got...

Tries not to fight Troy.

Gets ready.

No I still have this.

*Hits him back with my bow gun and fires*.

Has my tiger claw charges at him hitting him.

*Staggers back*.

2 can play that game.

*Shoots out a bolt at the blue ranger*.

Blocks and kicks it out with my hand kicks her down.

*Finishes off the mummies and a secret passage reveals itself*.

Ok this is it.

*Goes inside*.

Goes down.

*Emma stands up a little bit and shakes off the dizzyness and slowly goes inside and peeks around without getting seen as she holds her helmet*.

*Goes down and sees Gia on the ground*.


*Gets up*.

I thought I told you to be careful...don't hurt them.

Gets up slowly shakes it off.

You rangers are pathetic...


I don't even have to do anything you guys will destroy each other...Black...Yellow....finish them off.

*Sits down and looks at them and sees Gia and Troy and Noah and whispers*.

Guys be careful and don't hurt each other.

Oh no you don't...

*Fires my bow gun at him again*.

We are not finished yet.



*Runs towards Noah*.

Runs fast kicking Jake makes him go into a wall.

*Finds the sand and contacts Gosei*.

Gosei I found it.

Gosei: and not a minute to soon...

*Teleports Tommy back to the command center*.

*Emma sees Jake go into the wall*.


Thanks back to you.

*Charges at webmaster*.

*Watches from around the corner thinking*.

I have to do something I can't sit here and not help.

Gosei: Rangers report back to the command center I have something here that can be some use.

Noah you and Emma go back i will handle him.

*Stops and heard the orders from Gosei*.

Troy Gosei wants us to report back.

*Walks out*.

Guys what about Jake and Gia won't they attack.

Noah you and Emma go back i will handel him i will hold him here.

They have to stay Gosei says he has something that can help with this.

Gosei: *Teleports Troy Noah and Emma back to the command center*.

*Back at the command center*.

What will help them Gosei.

*Leans against Troy*.

Are you guys ok.

Yeah..we have to help them Gosei.


Yea damn Gosei why did you telport me back my teamates need my help.

Noah's right, Troy calm down if we have to fight them to save them then we will.

Yes we have them on the run.

*Gets up*.

As for you 2...Black and yellow....I'm done with you 2 are weak...fight each

*Holds out axe at Gia*.

Trying to avoid you.

*Drops Axe holding head in pain*.


Runs out.

Gosei: Behold

*Tommy comes walking out holding a new blaster*.

Troy and Noah this is for you 2.

*Reveals the 2nd one*.

Use this I recalibrate the sands he uses to where once it hits Gia and Jake they will return back to normal but only one blaster is for them the other is to weakened Webmaster with.

What about me Gosei I have to help them.

Takes it and nods.

*Runs at Gia*.

Moves out of the way.

Gosei: Now go rangers and let the power protect you.

Runs out sees Jake blasts him with the sand.


*Gets up*.

*Nods and teleports back*.

*Sneaks up on Webmaster and blasts him*.

Ah what a headache.

*Sees Jake and hugs him*.

You alright.

Jake are you ok as youu get back to nomral.

*Hugs back*.

Where am i?.

Radio station, where's Gia, Troy we need to blast Gia to.

The rangers are back...Nooo.

*Sees the black ranger going back to normal*.

I can fix that.

*Gets hit by the blue ranger*.

Ahhh..what is this stuff.

*Starts to get weak*.

Emma take care of him Noah just find Gia he's mine.

I just gave you a little taste of your own medicine.

*Activates shark bow gun and fires it at Webmaster*.

Jake here.

*Hands you a bottle of water*.

He's all yours...I already weakened him...

*Takes the blaster back out and goes to find Gia*.

Ahhh...what is this...and why I feel so....weak.

*Barely standing holding my staff*.

Thanks Emma.

Jumps up slashing him hard as he blows up.

Welcome, I hope Noah can find Gia.

*Sits down*.

I was worried about you all.

*Takes the hit and flies through the wall to outside*.


*Gets up slowly*.

You rangers can't get rid of me that easily.

Oh no shall we finish him together while Noah finds Gia.

*Gets up* Right all of us!.

Let me call Noah.

*Calls Noah*.

Noah have you found Gia yet were gonna need help he's still standing.

I'm still looking for her...

Alright be careful, Troy we need to use the sky brothers card.

Laying on the floor.

I found her.

*Blast her with the gun and then puts it down and help her up*.

Gia you ok.

*Activates the Sky Brothers Headers*.

Jake here.

I'm fine just tired and hurting from Troy and Jake and my head feels like it's going to explode.

Yeah thats going to pass...its the after effect of the sand.

Even with the wrap it hurt really bad.

Yeah I know.

Like with the mind control.

Yup but it almost felt worse.

I still feel worse from that and the mind control it's making my head hurt like a migraine.

*Emma takes her helmet off and sits with Noah and Gia as she takes something from Gia*.

Gia you alright where did you get this.

Just tired my head feels more worse from that mind control and the wrap like a migraine the same place i stole the plans and pieces from.

Alright Gia I'll get these back to the command center with the other pieces.

I'm gonna go get the rest of the final pieces but Vrak still won't know.

Just be careful Gia please, Jake's the only one who doesn't know.

I'm always careful you should tell him.

I will when I have the chance, I hope Troy and Jake can handle him.

You know they can handle it.

Yeah but what if they get hurt I can't lose Troy.

*Bluefur and Bigs shows back up at the underwater base*.

Bigs I thought I told you not to come back here without a ranger..

Bigs: I'm sorry Vrak it won't happen again....those rangers just got lucky again...but I promise you it won't happen again.

And as for you Bluefur...where was you...I thought I told you to make sure his plan won't fail.

Bluefur: I was waiting for the right moment....but it never came...

Then get back down there and finish those rangers....

*Looks over at Bigs*

And you to Bigs...I wan't the both of you to destroy the rangers or never return.

*Both Blufur and Bigs nods and leave*.

Then go help them you won't lose him remember i almost lost Noah when he took that hit.

I can't Gia, go find those pieces.

*Jumps in*.

Anyone miss me?.

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