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Old 03/02/15, 09:18 AM   #9
Becky G
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Super Samurai

Power Rangers Super Samurai Chapter: 29

I can try it.

Are you sure your up for it...

*Stands up and helps Lauren up*

Yea i am it's the only way to get the disc back guys give me all the symbol power remember i sealed master xandred but it didn't work.

Why don't you guys let Em fight him first.

But Em is attending to Mike.

I helped bandage Mike's ribs at least let her fight.

*Looks at Emily*

Em are you up for it?

I'm fine he's hurt him for the last time and almost destoryed the house with our kids.

Lauren can perform the symbol to combine our powers to Em...i have Jay's symbol power in my morpher.

*Takes a deep breath and closes my eyes*

I maybe a klutz and I maybe a little weak but when it comes to my friends and kids no more miss nice ranger.

I'm fired up i want to destroy him maybe we can get the codes back to the black box.

Oh I'm really scared rangers...ha ha ha ha.....give me your best shot yellow ranger.

*Stands with my sword resting on my shoulder*

Don't say I didn't warn you, you hurt my guy for the last time.

*Gets ready*

Do you guys think I can do this.

You will be when i'm done i will enjoy this.

We should once he's destroy....but first we need to combine our symbol power to Emily.

*Texts my symbol and Jay's symbol powers and sends it to Lauren*

Ok do it now you have all the symbol powers...combine it to Emily.

You know what let Lauren do it, she thinks she can do it herself.

Then she will need your symbol power to combine it with herself.

I'm ready to get this over with.

*Sighs and I use my symbol and passes it to her*

Knock yourself out.

*Puts my sword away and walks off in tears*

Gets up to Em.
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