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Old 03/02/15, 09:15 AM   #1
Becky G
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Super Samurai

Power Rangers Super Samurai Chapter: 26

Just attach the red lion disk to it, dad's disk only let's you wield two fire smashers, it doesn't stop you from using it.

He just thinks it's useless cause he doesn't know about that disc i can try it.

Trust me sis.

I do trust you how do you like your new powers.

They are very different.

You will get used to them plus Antonio can help you Attaches the red lion disc to the fire smasher runs at him hitting him hard Never underestimate me.

Attaches the silver lightning disk to his silver blade.

*Gets hit by both attacks*


*Goes down and gets back up*

Your not the only one with a trick up his sleeves....

*Fire starts in his hand and out form another sword*

Yes red ranger...i found a way to harness your double fire smasher power.

*Performs double blazing strike to both red and silver rangers*

I swear i will destroy you one way or another believe me i will.

*Still in bed resting and thinking of how to defeat the psy rangers*

*Em went to check on the babies and than Ant*

How are you feeling.

*Doesn't answer just remains thinking of the battle between myself and the psy rangers*

*Em goes and gets Lauren's green tea and hands it to him*

Drink this it will help you think and maybe heal you a little.

Oh huh...oh hey Em...I'm fine just was thinking about a weakness after all everybody should have a weakness right.

Yeah I'm sure they do, Jayden and the others are handeling it but you need to get better so we can all fight together.

Team work is, the best thing to do.

How long were you standing there.

The whole time.

I see so you heard everything I want to help fight but still sore.

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