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Old 03/02/15, 09:14 AM   #4
Becky G
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Super Samurai

Power Rangers Super Samurai Chapter: 24

I might be a klutz and I might get hurt but it's part of the job Lauren and they won't touch me and they won't dare touch our kids.

If they do then what you won't be any use to anyone when they read your thoughts and destroy you.

Fine your the leader, take care of my sister.

*Closes the samurizer*

Sorry Em, Let's head back to the house.

I think Serena let Jayden watch the kids,

I guess there's nothing to do.


Do you think I'm addicted to pain killers.

Of course not.

Are you sure I mean look at me I look like hell and since taking 5 I'm not in pain.

I know, lets head back home and get you looking nice and pretty.

Yeah that's unlikely.

What should we do?.

I don't know anymore I'm such a lousy ranger.

No your not.

Maybe that's what I'm thinking maybe psy yellow can think that and Serena can destroy her.


I don't know if it will work cause I'm not allowed to be anywhere near them.

Let's get up and talk with them.

I'd rather not.


Try dodging this rangers....

*We use our psycho speed zipping back and forth attacking the rangers*

Kev, Mia can you distract them from a distance your hydrobow and skyfan can go distances mine can't and with Antonio out we are one ranger short.

Antonio let's get you back to the house to rest.

Of course we can, but who can we get to replace antonio?

Ok that hurt....

*Gets up and stumbles out of the building*

I'm's going to take more then that to put me away.

*Stands there holding my arm*

Psy red: Oh really gold ranger....try this on for size.

*All the psy rangers form another energy ball and focus the energy at Antonio*

Uh oh....this isn't good.

*Steps back*

Well if Serena can get Antonio home she can find someone to take his place.

Like who, We are all here but Mike and Emily.

There is another person that can since Mike and Em are resting.

*Fires the energy ball at full power hurling it at Antonio*

Antonio watch out.

*Tries to block it with LZ but gets knocked into a wall*



Not on my watch.

*Jumps in front of him*

Antonio your hurt I'll get you home just let me handle this.

We need someone to take his place while Mike and Em rest.

Lauren I have to get him back be careful.

*Runs to him*

Let's get you back home, can you walk.
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