Thread: Zordon
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Old 02/23/15, 07:08 PM   #14
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Default Re: Zordon

Originally Posted by Massive Ego View Post
Zordon could have stopped the war in the beginning if he didn't wait around and have others fight for him. Zordon should have been more agressive and ended the war before it even started. Instead he was a coward who waited for the **** to hit the fan before he did anything.
how hilarious someone with such a massive ego would say that. How do you know he didn't try to? Can you see in the past? The only one that's a coward is you because all you want to be is a massive hater. You can't even say 1 single positive thing about anything in the series... every single thing with you is all negative. I've heard of people being a negative nancy but you're worse than that.

Fact is all we do know is Zordon and Rita had been waging war for years (at least 10,000 years if the Fan Club video is anything to go by) and even though most flashbacks only show Zordon's soldiers fighting Rita's monsters that doesn't mean he didn't do anything. You can't just factually claim that he did nothing when it's entirely possible he tried fighting but failed.
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