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Old 02/02/15, 10:30 PM   #10
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Final Thoughts

Honestly I think this more than even some of the other episodes my all time favorite so far.

I like the idea of Grimlord turning JB, and Kaitlin against Ryan I just think the idea was bigger than what they could I actually do since Ryan came from a different Metal Hero show then JB, and Kaitlin, and it wasn’t like there was a Chojinki Metalder vs Jikku Senshi Spielban back in 1987.

Then again since this episode had a Battle Grid segment I wished they had found a way to make it where Ryan had to fight JB, and Kaitlin in the Battle Grid since even if the suits were meant more for toys than footage it still would have been a good way to at least see Ryan fight JB, and Kaitlin in some transformed hand to hand combat.

I did like the one we did get from a purely visual production stand point even if all it really did was add a clip that wasn’t in the last one.

I also like how this episode introduces Geek Nation columnist, and the first VR Troopers cast member to appear at Morphicon Aaron Pruner as one of my favorite characters on the show Percy who will more or less become the main comic relief character alongside Woody, and Jeb though Poindexter, and Percy’s aunt, and uncle will still make occasional appearances.

I’m guessing he was created to more or less combine elements of the Mayor, and his wife (spoiled rich person who’s the target of Jeb’s antics) with Poindexter (stereotypical nerd).

It also has a brief appearance by actor Crispin Alapag as the Skug who puts the spell on JB, and Kaitlin.

I also liked how they didn’t waste anything from the Metalder episode in fact they actually used multiple little fights from various episodes for this which I thought was cool.

I also liked the brief appearance of S, and K from Metalder in the background during the parts where Polarbot, and Grimlord where in the virtual dungeon.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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