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Old 01/30/15, 09:23 PM   #6
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

At the lab Kaitlin, and JB try to research who Jeremy really is, and are able to figure out he’s a virtual being but when they try to leave the doors are locked, and the alarms are going off, and Jeremy appears on the lab’s monitor to tell them that he’s put an energy dampener that prevents them from transforming, and has rigged the portal to send who ever goes through to a virtual combat zone.

Ryan leaves the Dojo to go to the lab while Grimlord orders Graybot to transform into his true form, and battle Ryan in the Battle Grid while JB, and Kaitlin are helpless as Ryan walks into the portal, and we’re treated to a Battle Grid segment with just Ryan.

First we get a full portal sequence with Ryan then he lands in the Battle Grid wondering why he’s there, and then the Skugs show up so he jumps into the air doing some cool scissor kick then some Skugs try to come after him so punches them into each other.

Then we get some recycled footage from Searching for Tyler Steele before Ryan destroys the rest of the Skugs, and we get a return to reality sequence with just Ryan then he appears in a field as Brad Hawkins again.

Ryan wonders where he is then Graybot shows up, and Ryan figures out who he is from his voice, and transforms into Trooper form Graybot then fires arrows at him but Ryan jumps out of the way, does a jump punch on him.

At the lab JB, and Kaitlin find out that Graybot also activated the Labs self destruct sequence but JB is able to deactivate it, and get the lab working normally again so he, and Kaitlin transform, and use the Skybase to rescue Ryan but are attacked by Air Fighters.

Meanwhile Graybot taunts Ryan before shooting his arrows, and hits Ryan but then Ryan uses lighting laser to block them but Graybot fires some more, and pins Ryan but Ryan summons the Turbo cycle which JB and Kaitlin who are still fighting Air Fighters use to find Ryan.

Then the Turbo Cycle appears, and Graybot fires arrows at it but they bounce off, and Ryan gets on, and rams Graybot with it but Graybot fires missles from his chest but Ryan keeps dodging them so Graybot just grabs the Turbo Cycle with his bare hands, and throws it at Ryan but Ryan gets out of the way, and does a jump kick, and breaks Graybot’s arrows.

But Graybot makes spikes come out of his arm, and tries to hit Ryan but Ryan blocks, and then they both roll down a hill then Ryan kicks Graybot who then hits Ryan with his arm spikes but Ryan finishes with Lighting Laser but after some dramatic pacing Graybot gets back up, and fires one more arrow but Ryan catches, and throws it away, and Graybot falls back down, and blows up, and Grimlord chastitises his mutants for failure.

At the Underground Voice Daily Kaitlin gets another RC-gram but it turns out to be Ryan, and JB, and then we get another comedy bit from Woody.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.
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