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Old 01/20/15, 06:02 PM   #3
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Default Re: Power Rangers Legacy Discussion

The lightspeed chapter is more good stuff. So much happened and it was balenced out well. One thing I like about this story is that it seems to get better and better. There was plenty of action in this one. But the plot was also really advanced here.

I liked the apearance of the Lightspeed Rangers here. It was handled perfectly and really set up the Rangers using their powers later. I'm glad they explained why their was a new Aquabase. If Terra Venture can be built in a year thats plenty of time to build a new Aquabase.

The reveal of the Dark Phantom Ranger reveal was interesting and makes where this is going interesting. Especially with her relationship to Jake. We also got some good introspection from Jake.

I was a little nervous when Jake had two fight the monster and Phantom at once. But he got knocked around pretty bad until the others were able to help him. I think one of the good things about this series is that the fan made characters are well written and not treated like Mary Sue characters.
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