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Old 01/19/15, 02:23 PM   #1
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Default Power Rangers and Sentai Figures

This thread only involves the figures of villains from Power Rangers and Sentai.

Now as we know among Power Rangers villains the ones that were released as figures would include Lord Zedd, Rita, Goldar, Rito, Master Vile, Finster, Squatt, Baboo, Eye Guy, Snizzard, King Sphinx, Bones, Rhinoblaster, Pirantishead, Guitardo, Soccadillo, Goo Fish, Silverhorns, Skelerina, Minotaur, Pudgy Pig, Spidertron, Knasty Knight, Two-Headed Parrot, Dramole, Peckster, Grumble Bee, Stag Beetle, Slippery Shark, Invenusable Flytrap, Robogoat, Slotsky, Erik and Merrick the Barbaric.

Drill Master, Mechanizer, Staroid, Silo, Mean Screen, Digster, Punch-a-bunch.

Divatox, Elgar, Rygog, Wolfgang Amadeus Griller, Amphibitor.

Captain Mutiny but released as Space Buccaneer. Barbarax but released as Space Android.

Diabolico. Magmavore.

Ransik was available in the Time Force Power Rangers Control Center.
Gluto was available in the Deluxe Trans-Warp Megazord playset.

Zurgane. Vexacus.
Zeltrax and exclusive Crimson form.
Morticon. Koragg.
Moltor. Kamdor.
Dai Shi.

Putty, Z-Putty, Cogs, Chromite, Craterite, Cyclobots, Putrids, Kelzaks, Kelzak Fury, Triptoids with exclusive green form, Krybot but comes with Bluehead gear, Krybot but comes with Orangehead gear, Hideak, Styxoid, Chiller, Grinder, Moogie, Loogie, X-Borg, Vivix

and now the question. What villains did Bandai of Japan ever release as of Zyuranger? I want to have a list of any villains that were released by Bandai of Japan as of Zyuranger that actually had appeared in Power Rangers.
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