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Old 09/13/10, 12:16 PM   #1
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Default Re: Some Fanfic ideas

That's sounds like a good idea maybe I should try it.

Another thing one of the reasons I brought up that KND6 guy who wanted to give each Metal Hero show it's own season is because like I said earlier I wanted to have Battle Grid mode be used more often, and have it be upgraded so that the Troopers can transform into Battle Grid mode in the real world to fight the Ultra Skugs.

Well one of the things I wanted to do was say in Fashion Victims have it where the Skugs become Ultra Skugs so JB, and Kaitlin transform into Battle Grid mode but then Silkoid cocoons them, and later Ryan, and Amy try to find out what happened but then get ambushed by Ultra Skugs so they transform into Battle Grid mode but Amy gets cocooned but Ryan is able to transform into his full VR Trooper form.

And I also thought about how if you started with Metalder then went to Spielban, and finally Shaider there's more of an emphasis on other dimensions which made me think of that episode where they transformed into Battle Grid mode when they got sent to Knighttime's universe, and I saw the episode where the footage for Knighttime came from, and the scene they used was pretty similar to what happened in the VR Troopers scene aside from the Battle Grid suits in VRT version, and I thought they were some similarities between the Battle Grid in VR Troopers, and the Strange Dimension in Metal Hero.

So I wanted to adapt that in VR Troopers where they can transform into Battle Grid mode, everytime they enter other virtual dimensions.
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