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Old 12/01/14, 07:02 PM   #1
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Default If you could what finisher would you give Kaitlin?

So one of the biggest elephants everyone brings up with VR Troopers is that Kaitlin didn't have a finisher due to women in Metal Hero shows usually being sidekicks even when they wore armor.

And I've read some fanfics that try to give her one and that got me thinking about what I would do.

I remember when the action figures came out they gave her this rifle, and a sword, and when they made the Battle Grid mode version they gave her two little swords, and two nunchucks.

And I remember she had this dual sided scythe weapon since they made Helen Lady a power up instead of a new character.

And I thought it would be cool if she had two mini swords or split her scythe in two, and she just chopped at the monster with them until they blew up.

What do think?

Last edited by Zabitan; 12/05/14 at 06:13 PM.
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