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Old 11/16/14, 12:11 PM   #4
Shadow Ranger
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Default Re: Episode 19 - The Wrath

Can't say i was all that into this episode, had a few okay moments, but honestly at this point i really don't care very much.

- the intro with Orion leaving earth was a somewhat touching scene, it's just too bad they didn't actually showcase much of what they were talking about (could have made for some much needed character growth), It would have been nice to show Orion being driven by revenge (for more than 5 minutes), and have the rangers help him get over it and adapt to living on Earth, (instead of him just magically landing a job somehow, living in a school locker, and showing up to fights at the last second). The scene with him leaving Ernie's was nice too, though once again they didn't build up too much of a relationship between them (but i suppose it was still good enough)

- also Orion u wanna go back to your presumably deserted planet to live a life of solitude, instead of hang out with the attractive earth girl?....... why?, I'd understand if there were any survivors on your planet (though Emma would still make a convincing argument) but from what u said everyone was dead. 

- still don't get why he's leaving though, I mean they just killed 2 princes of the armada, do they really expect there to be no retaliation? It should be obvious even to a child that the fight isn't over yet, especially since 2 seconds later Tensou intercepts and armada signal, and Troy then suddenly remembers that there were more generals on the Armada Flag ship (not to mention Levira), and then Gosei tells them about Mavro (instead of u know warning them that they just killed the EMPEROR'S sons and he's probably gonna retaliate, while they're running around thinking the fights over cuz they're kinda stupid that way),

- this whole scene just ends up being a waste of time since Orion leaves (then rushes back) even though is sentai counterpart is actually IN THE FIGHT, (seriously SB now is when u decide to write about Orion's absense?)

- also while I normally find Jake to be entertaining due to his charisma, they really didn't handle the Jake/Gia pairing very well, and the line "everyone loves me except for some very stubborn people? I know it's a kid's show but no..... just.... no

- as harsh as it may sound, I cant think of a single speech Troy's given that's remotely inspiring, even this one which translates to

Rangers: " what are we gonna do? the Armada is gonna attack us"
Troy: "we have the powers of over 100 rangers, including ones that shouldn't exist, not to mention our old fleet of zords you morons"
- is written in such a preachy way that instead of agreeing with him, i'm just waiting for him to stop talking because it's just so grating to listen to.

- the fight against Levira's zord starts off decent, but its over too quickly (as usual), and i don't even wanna waste my energy getting frustrated over EVEN MORE prezyus appearing (but seriously SB u shot ORIGINAL footage of the prezyus?!) u know with Lightspeed having a brief appearance at the end of the season, It would have been nice to show them in action at least once

- I'll give them some credit for the introduction to the armada fleet, that actually did have some gravitas to it, with the rangers and the citizens looking genuinely concerned at the millions of ships, and then the rangers being thoroughly defeated and passed out on the ground (after putting up a fight)

- however I'd feel generous giving this episode even a 2/5, also that promo for the next ep, is borderline false advertising.
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