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Old 09/17/14, 04:55 PM   #3
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Default Re: Power Rangers Alternate History

I actually thought of more to say on this subject.

Originally Posted by Orange Ranger View Post
Can anyone think of alternate history (what would have happened) ideas for Power Rangers? Such as what would have happened if the green ranger clone was able to join the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers and there would be two Tommys and seven rangers? Feel free to post, or not post.
Yes I can think of an answer to that. I think Tom (the Wizard's Tommy clone) would have joined them and fought with them whenever they needed the extra help but then I'd like to think that without the Wizard's magic Tom would begin to fade away and eventually during a battle he does. He also uses the Dragonzord in instances in which they need the extra power from a zord but it rarely happens.

Originally Posted by psychic ranger View Post
I think of this kind of stuff all the time. I love the possibilities AUs bring. Like what would have happened if Tommy, Kat, Tonya, and Adam had gone into Space instead of the new Turbo Cast. Or what if the Space Rangers continued on in Lost Galaxy. What if the NS Rangers were used for DinoThunder? What if the DinoThunder Rangers were used in SPD? What would have happened if the MMPR Ranger's retired in Doomsday? The possiblities are endless.
I think if the Space Rangers had continued on then they would be living on Earth with Andros and Ashley dating along with Zhane and Karone dating and then there'd be an incident in which opens up a wormhole that allows Scorpius and his Scorpion Stinger to come through. However the wormhole instantly closes and the Scorpion Stinger is stuck in the solar system so Scorpius decides to make the best use of him being trapped there and try to seek out powerful weapons called the Quasar Sabers.
Alpha 6 approaches the Rangers and Karone and he tells them that the base in the sky that came through the wormhole is called the Scorpion Stinger and that the villain is called Scorpius and he believes Scorpius likely came in search of the Quasar Sabers which are Ancient Swords that are capable of tremendous power. With the Quasar Sabers will come additional powers, arsenal and abilities.
Andros asks if he has any clues where they could be at. Alpha says no but he has D.E.C.A. currently searching for any odd signals that would be giving off radar.
Karone mentions that she believes they could be back on Eltar since she recalls hearing Divatox blab about these magical Swords that she saw in Zordon's possession before Dark Specter's army there had captured him but she stated no one could find them... so the Rangers head there at once and they eventually find them.

Originally Posted by Cheetamus Primal View Post
No mention of Trey as Gold Ranger
Command Center destruction means loss of Turbo powers contradictory to known cannon which states that the Turbo powers came from Eltar
No mention of Alex, nor his death and resurrection
Specifically states that Tommy has no Ranger powers at the time in direct contradiction to Forever Red (he creates evil with Mercer, yet he doesn't keep his Zeo Powers handy just in case he may need to clean up his own frakkin mess)
While Trey wasn't mentioned by name he was heard in the voice-over clips so you can't really say that.
They never said in the diary that the Power Chamber's destruction resulted in the Rangers losing their powers.
Alex wasn't important to mention so why would they?
Tommy not having his powers anymore is not contradicting anything, it's very possible that something happened between then and Dino Thunder that resulted in him losing his powers.... or perhaps he just decided to not keep any of his old Morphers around in his Reefside house.

Originally Posted by PRangerX90 View Post
DinoThunder actually proves that Power Rangers has always been one timeline. "Legacy of Power just had a few errors and condensed the story for time. Doug has made it pretty clear that DinoThunder is not an AU. The only Power Rangers season that could be an AU is SPD. Since Greg said that he thought of it as one. But I am not so sure, since we had a team up. Its possible its an alternate future though.
I agree that it's still one timeline, yes the video diary did have errors and mistakes but that doesn't mean it's still not in the same continuity, in the same timeline.

I personally think people just try to find whatever they can so they can find a reason to excuse it from continuity just because it's a season that they don't like so they'd rather find some excuse to say that it's not part of the actual Power Rangers story.
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