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Old 05/28/14, 05:14 PM   #3
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Default Re: The differences between Super Sentai and Power Rangers?

Originally Posted by PRangerX90 View Post
Season 2 used Zyu 2 footage. Power Rangers Season 1 did so well that Fox commissoned more episodes then they originally ordered. So Toei shot extra action footage with the Zuyo costumes/zords. These we're used at the end of of Season 1 and in Season 2. They did do US only scenes. Especially in season 2 and 3. So thats why Tommy could still have his powers in "Green No More" and Kim having a Shark Cycle. The Shark Cycles we're actually all US footage.
It was Season 1 and 2 that used Zyu2 footage actually... and of course a bit of Season 3.

Originally Posted by PRangerX90 View Post
As for comparing Sentai to PR. Some seasons try to adapt Sentai closely. To where they actually shoot US scenes to match the sentai. Like a lot of Time Force, Wild Force, and Mystic Force. But other seasons try to use the Sentai footage to tell there own story. With original US footage. MMPR Seasons 2 and 3 we're very much like this. They did a ton more american footage during that point. Space and Galaxy are examples of Ranger seasons that totally did there own thing ( Since MEgaranger and Gingamen we're not about Space Rangers).
That's correct, some seasons try to adapt Sentai closely like in the case of Time Force, Wild Force, Mystic Force and even to some points... Space, Galaxy and S.P.D.
That's true with Space doing its own thing since Megaranger was a video game oriented season but Space still decided to keep a good portion of the Sentai plots.

Originally Posted by PRangerX90 View Post
Super Sentai can get away with more then PR. Since children's standards and practices don't censor as much out there. Sentai can be more violent and have darker storylines. But there is still plenty of comedy and camp. The target audience actually is for younger children then PR is. Sentai tends to not really have a tight continuity ( outsite of team ups). Unlike early PR had ( obviously now they are similar to Sentai, with little inter-season continuity besides team ups).
Indeed, Sentai can get away with a lot more because their standards aren't as strict as U.S. censorship is... so they can be more violent and have darker plots as well as darker monsters.
Actually Sentai doesn't really have a continuity, that's what some people tend to say, it doesn't have a continuity unless they need to make it work in the story like with teamups/crossovers and Gokaiger.

Originally Posted by GSXT View Post
mike used 5 main dairangers 's aura changers to transform into 6th ranger
hutta used sword in gingaman
That's correct, not to mention Jungle Fury using Sunglasses instead of the Gekiranger Henshin Gloves.
Also Riki had what we knew of as a Zeonizer to transform into KingRanger but Jason and Trey didn't have a Morpher.

Originally Posted by Digifiend View Post
Correct, the Magna Morpher is a repainted Aura Changer. Obviously they needed a morpher for the toyline, and since BullBlack didn't have one, they used Dairanger's.
you're probably right in regards to why they opted for giving him a Morpher.
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