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Old 11/02/13, 07:52 PM   #1
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Default Re: How would things be without Zordon?

Not necessarily. Zordon only had links to MMPR, Zeo, Turbo and Space.
Galaxy wound up using the Sabers to become Rangers.
Lightspeed made man-made powers and even though there wouldn't have been Zordon,it was a government operation that was already in the making.
Time Force was in the future.
Wild Force's powers were created by the Wildzords.
Cam made the Wind Morphers.
There would be no Tommy in Dino Thunder which means likely no Dino Thunder.
S.P.D. was set in the future.
Udonna granted the powers to the 5 Mystic Force.
Andrew Hartford created the Overdrive Rangers.
Jungle Fury was apparently created somehow by tapping into the Morphin' Grid.
RPM was set in an alternate dimension and the powers were created by Dr. K.
Gosei granted the powers to Megaforce.
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