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Old 02/17/10, 05:50 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by TokuNoob View Post
Sadly, Tokusatsu will remain solely for the enlightened.
Don't be an elitist. We like what we like, doesn't make any one group superior to another.

That said, tokusatsu is everywhere these days. The Last Airbender, Percy Jackson and The Olympians, Caprica, all tokusatsu. They may not be within the Henshin Heroes sub-genre like Power Rangers and Kamen Rider, but tokusatsu nonetheless.

The Henshin Heroes style was a very accessible thing in the '90s, you didn't need a strong storyline to attract an audience. And with Power Rangers having done the hard work back then, it was insanely easy to pitch a Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad or Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters to compete with it. These days, superheroes are so entrenched in our media, you have to bring something solid to the table for America to spend serious money on it, something Adness valiantly attempted, but ultimately left with much to be desired. Heck, with MMPR back on television, it's pointing out how much the series had to evolve to survive its 17 years on the air.

I have no doubt we'll see more in the future, everything circulates. But it's going to be a lot better than what we've been exposed to in the last few decades.
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