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Old 04/27/12, 12:20 PM   #42
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Default Re: Power Rangers Gokaiger Adaptation

I decided to post this list depending on the info we have on the cast list for each season to see which ones could return if Saban was willing to pay for SAG actors as well. We all know that it's doubtful he'll fork over the dough for any union actors though but this is just a general cast list to see who could return based on what we know they're doing. I'll just mostly refer to them by either their first real name or their character name so there's no confusion. I'll still make a mention in regards to their possibility of their current union status though if I'm pretty sure on it.

JDF won't be returning because Saban won't offer him a decent salary.
Johnny (Adam) likely won't be returning due to only returning for Overdrive as a favor for Koichi Sakamoto.
Karan (Aisha) likely won't return due to being busy with mostly her online radio gig.
David Bacon (Aurico) likely won't be possible. They couldn't find him for "Forever Red" as far as I've heard. One side states they couldn't find him. Another side states that he just simply retired from acting and he wasn't interested in unretiring for just 1 episode.
Jim Gray (Tideus) there is currently no info on where he stands in his acting career. He hasn't done anything in over 12 years.
Karim (Cestro) probably wouldn't return.
Looks like Rajia (Delphine) likely wouldn't be returning due to her possible union status. Granted she hasn't done anything since 2004 so whether she still has her union status is questionable but I would assume she does.

Looks like Brad Hawkins (voice of Trey the Gold Ranger) hasn't done anything in 2 years.
Looks like Catherine (Kat) hasn't done anything in years.
Nakia (Tanya) definitely won't be returning. Still has her union status due to working on the new 90210.
The DiFilippo triplets (the Trey actors) could return since they haven't done anything since 1999 when all 3 of them appeared in "Boy Meets World" and because they never spoke during "Zeo," that would be a way to get around paying them SAG wages. Since I believe SAG actors cannot be paid such wages/salaries if they do not speak in a non-union production.

Doesn't look like Blake (Justin) has done anything lately.
Probably not likely with Roger (Carlos) even though he hasn't done anything in nearly 12 years yet all of his previous work was union work.

Doesn't look like Christopher (Andros) has done anything in years. Looks like the last thing he worked on was "That 70s Rule." That probably means that he may still be in the union but not entirely sure of that. I would assume he would still be in the union regardless of whether he's currently working or not.

No chance of Justin (Zhane) returning since he retired from acting.

100% entirely doubtful PJL (Cassie) will return since she's big on making sure she gets paid as much as possible.

Don't know about Selwyn (TJ.) He did work back in 1998 in an union production however nothing is showing up in regards to his role back in 2008 so really it's anyone's guess as to what he'll do but it's doubtful he'll return since he was in "Forever Red" as a definite union member.

Archie (Kai) is currently doing some work for CSI however it's once in awhile work however his CSI work almost certainly rules him out as a possibility.
There's no chance of Cerina (Maya) returning due to her work with various CBS shows.
It's pretty much very doubtful we'll see Leo back due to Danny currently being busy as an Attorney.
Mel (Karone) hasn't done anything since her '04 role in "CSI" and I believe she has since retired. It's doubtful she'll return due to being retired.
I'm thinking Reggie (Damon) probably retired from acting but whatever the case, he likely wouldn't return.

Looks like Alison (Dana) has done nothing of note as of late.
Doesn't look like it's possible with Keith (Joel.)
Michael (Chad) likely wouldn't return due to all of his previous work being union.
Very tough to tell with Sasha (Kelsey.) It looks like she recently worked as recent as 2010 yet that film's union status is unknown. There is also no info on whether her 2003 role in "Dark Wolf" was even union or not. Her role in 2007 in "Brothers and Sisters" is definitely union so basically at this point we can assume she is likely not an option.
Sean (Carter) definitely isn't an option. All of his previous work has been union.

Time Force
Dan (Eric) looks like he won't be a possibility.
Deb (Katie) doesn't look like a possibility.
There's no chance with Erin (Jen) due to being pretty busy with her acting career.
Jason (Wes/Alex) doesn't look like a possibility either.
Looks like Kevin (Trip) won't be returning. He hasn't done anything in over 7 years yet his last work was in an union production.
It's hard to tell with Michael (Lucas.) 1 of his recent works was an union production however all of the other listings aren't currently showing up in regards to whether they're union or not. We do know Michael would possibly be open to returning due to his work with helping Saban Brands out with casting related stuff.

Wild Force
Alyson Sullivan (formerly Alyson Kiperman) (Taylor) She hasn't done anything in a couple years yet they likely wouldn't need her due to currently having Medina on board as Deker and Medina would be the best option for a Wild Force tribute ep because of his redesigned zord being involved in the episode.
Definitely no chance of Jack (Danny) due to being on a NBC show for at least 1 episode.
Jessica (Alyssa) hasn't done anything in a few years but I feel she would still be within SAG.
Phil (Merrick) hasn't done anything since his work in "What I Like About You" but it's doubtful he'll risk his union membership since it looks like all of his previous work was union work.
Phillip (Max) definitely won't be returning. Looks like all of his previous work has been union wokr.

Ninja Storm
Adam (Hunter) doesn't look to be all that busy and he's from Australia however because of the Gokaiger footage that's needed, that may not be possible.
Glenn (Dustin) hasn't done anything since his Dustin role.
I believe I recall Jason (Cam) saying that he wouldn't return.
Jorgito (Blake) has done work on an USA Network show so he's unlikely.
Pua (Shane) looks like he's been doing Shortland Street lately but otherwise that's pretty much been it.
Sally (Tori) is also working on Shortland Street so that may throw a wrench into any possibility of using the Hurricanger footage that was used in Gokaiger.

Dino Thunder
Emma (Kira) is almost certainly a definite no due to the fact she's working on various Nickelodeon shows.
James (Conner) looks like a good chance because he hasn't done anything since being Conner.
Looks Kevin (Ethan) has a good chance as well.
Jeffrey (Trent) looks like there's a chance with him.

Looks like Alycia (Syd) hasn't done anything since Supernatural but because she's worked on a show like that, that means she is likely part of SAG.
Looks like they could use Brett (the voice of Omega.) He hasn't done anything lately.
Chris (Sky) definitely isn't likely due to working on some NBC shows as well as CW shows.
Might not be possible with Matt (Bridge) due to him working on union productions however it's all a matter of how he registered himself within SAG.
Looks lke there's a good chance with Michelle (Kat) returning.
Looks like there's a good chance with Monica (Z) returning.

Mystic Force
Angie (Vida) hasn't done anything in almost 3 years.
Antonia Prebble (Clare) (Voice of SPD Nova Ranger) hasn't done anything in at least 3 years.
Looks like Chris Graham (Leanbow) is definitely possible. Looks like he hasn't done anything since he was Leanbow.
Absolutely no chance of Nick, Madison or Xander returning. Firass, Mel and Richard are all pretty busy.
Looks like there's a good chance of Nic (Chip) returning.

Dwayne Cameron (Tyzonn) looks like there's a good chance with him.
Definitely a good chance with Gareth (Dax) due to not doing anything since his 2009 role in the "Knowing" movie.
Looks like James (Mack) is a great chance.
Looks like there's a good chance with Rhoda (Rose) returning. She did appear in 1 union production however she also appeared in an U.K. production which appears to be a non-union production.
There's a chance with Samuell (Will) however Saban Brands may not opt to risk it since it's possible they may have heard stories of him stealing an important artifact from 1 of the Power Morphicons.

Jungle Fury
Looks like Theo hasn't done anything lately.
Anna (Lily) did a movie last year but otherwise that was it.
Looks like Bede Skinner (Jarrod) is currently busy with his work on Spartacus.
Holly (Camille) definitely has a good chance. She hasn't done anything since last year's work on Underbelly and her work on that TV series ended.
Jason (Casey) definitely has a chance. He hasn't done anything since then.
Looks like there's a chance with Nikolai (Dominic) returning.

I see no info in regards to Ari (Flynn) doing anything of late.
Dan (Dillon) looks like he won't be returning due to his TV work in Australia.
Eka (Scott) it's pretty unlikely due to being a member of SAG due to his work on "Terra Nove" on Fox.
Looks like Mike (Gem) is a definite great chance.
Rose (Summer) likely won't return due to her definite union status.


Last edited by MattEmily; 04/27/12 at 03:23 PM.
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