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Old 04/17/11, 05:36 PM   #3
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Default Re: Why did Dragon Knight fail?

I'll admit I only saw a few episodes but for me I thought it took itself a little too seriously since even the civilian parts felt serious, heck even the Power Rangers season at the time which took place in a post apocalyptic future where an evil A.I., and it's killer robots were trying to destroy the last human city knew when to be light hearted in the civilian parts.

I also felt the fight scenes were often times just there for the sake of having a fight scene, and not part of the plot, or they were but they were so many plots going on in the episode that it was hard to care.

I think part of it came from they wanted to have a typical superheroes saving the world from aliens story but it clashed with what Ryuki was supposed to be about what would happen if a bunch of people got super powers, and yet at the same time wanted to make it as much like Ryuki as they could on an American kid show.
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