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Old 03/20/11, 10:37 AM   #2
Comic Relief
Join Date: 02/22/11
Posts: 47
Default RE: Why was Bridge back in time during "Once A Ranger" ?

Maybe Bridge was sent back in time to re-capture one of their already captured criminals who somehow managed to escape his/her imprisonment. So when Bridge finally managed to re-capture the escaped criminal, his morpher picked-up a disturbance. Bridge then goes to investigate after sending the recaptured criminal back to S.P.D., but is unable to find the source of the disturbance. That's when SK, while recruiting a team of former rangers, finds Bridge and has him join Tori, Kira, Xander, the OO team and Adam.

Then Bridge, after the events of the OAR episode, is returned to where he was before the OAR battle took place by SK himself and than Bridge just goes back to S.P.D. to report everything. Which explains the no-wiping of minds before the mentioned episode ends. He either just let them to remember the events, or he didn't have the memory reseter with him and there was no time to go and get it and reset everyone's memories.
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