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Old 03/26/11, 08:00 PM   #1
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Default VR Troopers Letter Writing Campaign

Edit: This used to be a thread about a VR Troopers Writing Campaign. But I decided that it would be be better to focus on the PR Letter Writing Campaign that Rangerbar is doing.

Send you're letters into Saban Brands. Tell them that you are an adult PR fan that buys merchandise and goes to conventions. Tell them that you are unhappy about the direction the Samurai is taking. You think that Jonathon's Tzachor's style of copying Super Sentai is bad for the franchise. You don't want Tzachor to be dismissed. You just want him to change his approach. Remember to be respectful. Angry letters won't help. Don't use email. These have to be handwritten letters. If you want staple a typed version to the rough copy.

Saban Brands LLC
10100 Santa Monica Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90026
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