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Old 06/21/08, 06:39 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by masked rider fearon View Post
this series mystic knight seems to be an early version of power rangers mystic force
I am unsure if there was any megazords I don't think so,
this was about Irish legends with what seems to bit a decent amount of
power ranger influence,
this is no reason why something like this could not be done for power rangers
and if done right we would not have to rely on super sentai footage all the time.
Mystic Knight was another Saban series. Nothing to do with Power Rangers though. But it was basically an american made Toku. It was very expensive to produce. As a matter of fact the second season was canceled do to cost. I beleieve the budget went toward's Lost Galaxy.

PR costs a lot now to produce, Disney has been cutting costs for years. There not going to spend all kinds of money to produce an American made series when it costs less to use Sentai footage. And even if they did you have to remember that Toei has a lot of experiance with producing zord battles, thirty years of it. It would be hard for an PR's production team to just jump right in without experiance with it.

In theory, Disney has the money. But this is a bussiness and they are in this thing to make money. It would be nice to see a fully American PR, but its isn't going to happen. Short of a big movie during some sort of PR revival in a similar vien to transformer's. But we are years away from that happening, if at all.
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