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Old 02/25/08, 08:50 PM   #10
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Default Jungle Fury Feedback: Sigh of the Tiger

Well, episiode 3 is already in the books. More focus on Casey and his lack of experiance.

The plot was pretty predicatable. Right out of the Kirate Kid. But it made for a nice side episode. And it was fun when Casey put all his training together at the end. Plus it was nice to see more of RJ's zany mentoring. It cracks me up when he watches the fights like a couch patatoe. When he picked up that bowl of popcorn it was halarious.

Fran was fine in this episode. She is the kind of character that is going to be gold in small doses. It was funny how Theo and Lilly wouldn't help her. And it was paid off well at the end.

Flit was more toned down this week and didn't bother me as much. So I was able to take the zord battle more seriously. Zord battles don't really excite me like they used to though. The footage comes off too generic.

Using evil spirits to make foot soldiers into monsters continues to be an interesting idea.

Some of the in adr needs work. Some of the in suit diolouge comes off as a little too cheesy. But that has been a problem the past few years. But its not awful.

The villains are differenly different from last years fair. They seem interesting so far. It will be interesting to see the Rangers learn that Jared was possessed by the big bad.
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