Thread: rules
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Old 04/21/04, 01:30 AM   #2
Power Ranger
Join Date: 03/24/09
Posts: 327

Is it that hard to post them?

1 No exessive swearing

2. No heavy flaming,. arguments are okay as long as they don't cross the line and become flame fests.

3. No insulting other members or harassing them. This includes newbies. Try given newbies a break, if they are trolls they will be dealt with anyway.

4. No pornographic or any obscene pics are allowed ( this includes pics of violence or gross things).

5, Everyone in the board has freedom of speech as long as they don't violate any of the above rules. Trying to harass someone for their own opinion is not allowed. You can disagree but do so in a intelligent way please.

6. Any violations of the rules will result in the violating post being deleted or edited. Repeated violations will result in a ban if ther admins deem it neccesarry.

7. The admins of the board are PRangerX, BlueRangerForever, Michaos, and QuasarRanger. No other admins or any mods will be needed at this time. So please don't ask for any of those priviliages we will ask you.

8/. Have fun. As long as everyone acts respectable to everyone and fallows the basic rules we should enjoy ourselves. Please don't think the board administration is trying to act like control freaks. We will actually be pretty flexible . We just don't want people to cross the line thats all.
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