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Old 08/06/02, 03:30 PM   #1
Shadow Ranger
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Default Disney now owns Power Rangers????

Yes, it's true, I spoke to Iris hampton, the casting director for PR, and was looking to audition again for a role this October, but she said that she'll no longer be the casting director for the show, "Disney now owns Power Rangers", not Saban anymore. And the show will be filming in NEW ZEALAND!!, for next year. Saban's ten year contract was up and he didn't decide to keep the show I guess. So the show will no longer be filmed in Los Angeles, with L.A. actors or the same buildings we all saw in the background. I guess we'll have to see how it does in New Zealand. I hope Disney doesn't turn it into a kiddy and boring show. The essence of PR will truly be gone.

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