Thread: Emma Forums
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Old 09/05/06, 06:27 AM   #9
Kamen Rider Decade
Join Date: 01/14/08
Posts: 1,370

Originally Posted by JasonDavidFrankFan4Life View Post
ya know what, ur being a real jerk. i'm just here until i know for sure what is to become of LF and what the link to it is. that's the only reason why i ever joined this place, once i get the info i want, i will make sure that my profile is deleted off of here. and as for the invisionfree part of your argument, you are wrong. the one, the only, the miz is making an invisionfree forum known as Mizfit Forums his official message boards. i, myself, am working with him and his girlfriend, maryse, to get everything up and running. if one of the biggest reality tv stars gone wwe wrestler who happened to win the debut match is wanting to use invisionfree, then i say invisionfree is a really good place to go to.

peace, love, and kermitfries,
Glad you noticed. This is my default setting.

Whoopie don't care who the hell that is.

Un hunh, sure, whatever you say.

He's cheap, he's a pathetic actor, and he didn't win a wrestling match he acted out a script. He also needs to get a real job, where he provides something of real benefit, not homo-erotic 'entertainment'.
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