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Old 12/04/09, 03:43 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by PrimoPiccolo View Post
And Scissors, and Tiger, and Verde (which was Spanish), and Femme (which was French).

Oh, how erroneous that statement is...

Was the original conception of what became known as Hibiki plotted out as a Kamen Rider series? No. Was said concept molded as expertly and for just as long as any other season to become a Kamen Rider series? Yes.

Hibiki was certainly different from the average Kamen Rider, but it was by no means "last minute". I suggest you do research on this subject, rather than trust those whose opinions were formed mostly from the missing Rider Kick or lack of the word Henshin.
I say last minute as an expression due to the way the show was handled. I should have elaborated much more clearly. Hibiki like you said was initially not a Rider show idea. It was made into one, but very little was altered to make it fit into the Rider universe. The lack of the usage of Henshin and the lack of a Rider kick in I believe the entire show.(Might have missed a time when they said it.) This was one of the most prominent issues and may seem like a little thing, but is a recurring trend in the Riderverse. This is by no means the biggest problem though. Also the style while unique was completely completely different than any other Rider series and bore no similarities what so ever. The show had strong musical themes, but the themes overtook the show itself and would have been fine if it was not a Kamen Rider show.

The director or creator(can't remember what his title was)expressed massive disappointment in what he was allowed to do and what he wasn't allowed to do. The show started with many interesting concepts and had for example the usage of fire coming out from the Oni's mouths and claws. All of that was changed due to the target audience of a Rider show. The studio forced a change in that because many of those interesting concepts were too graphic for the target audience. Thus the show went under a disappointing change. The latter half was filled with changes to the script leading to dropped characters, lessened characters and other issues. The ending was changed numerous times and ultimately the show was a mess.

Now I use the expression last minute because the show was hardly modified to be a Kamen Rider show. They didn't modify it to fit the target audience which is the biggest problem. They did little to nothing to make the show appropriate for the time slot. Like I said earlier there were many interesting concepts in the first part of the show, but all that was changed throgh the course of its run because of issues I cited. The show seemed to be modified only during its run and not prior. Thus it seems like a last minute show even if they spent the same amount of time with it like other series.

Now comes my opinion on the show. Besides these facts I disliked virtually all of the show. I did not enjoy the strong emphasis on music. I am not a musical or artistic kind of person so a music themed show has already lost me. The glare in manys scenes was maddening. The production value at first seemed decent then it just dropped off the map. Mostly the second half killed the show for me.
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