Thread: Resurrection
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Old 11/05/05, 10:26 AM   #1
Kamen Rider Decade
Join Date: 01/14/08
Posts: 1,370

Bridge does his buttery thing again like it is some recurring character trait. Judgement: Impotent writer.

Jack wants a life out of SPD even though he has been shown to have one at least twice. Once in this ep and once earlier. Judgement: Jack is a moron. Writers are incompetant, yet again contradicting themselves within the span of 20 minutes.

Jack yells at his CO. Judgement: He needs to be thrown in the brig.

Anubis doesn't throw an insubordinate Ranger in the brig for insubordination. Judgement: Fire the incompetant sob.

Kat backs Jack up. Judgement: Jack must be very good in bed for her to go up against her partner for doggy style lovin. Through the insubordinate bitch in the brig but seperate her and Jack so they can't get on.

Jack comments about how he hopes that the motd is not seen again. Judgement: Jack you are pussy go buy yourself some balls.

Jack walks up to a person and just automatically assumes they are stealing. Judgement: Jack you are no cop you are just hypocritical sob with no facts and just assumptions. Ask for id look at the building for signs of the company, look at the van for signs of the company, and then arrest if needed. Don't do that then turn your badge in cause you are no cop.

SPD doesn't have a protocol for long mysterious absences which may or may not result in brainwashing, mind takeover, bodyswapping. Judgement: SPD needs to pay attention to Stargate SG-1 and learn a few lessons about security protocols.

Sky has never seen A Squad Red outside of the morphed form. Judgement: Sky is either one dim witted sob or blind. Either way fire the loser.

Jack is pissed off because Anubis calls them B Squad. Judgement: Jack has a horrible memory, they are constantly called B Squad, hell previous episode JACK called them B SQUAD. Fire the loser for the lack of any brains.

Jack leaves his morpher in plain site and with him no where near it. Where anyone in the world could just walk up and grab it. Judgement: Jack doesn't want to be a Ranger fire him and give Sky the Red Ranger morpher and promote one of the C Squad Rangers to B Squad.

Earth's only hope against the Troobian invaders is SPD. Judgement: Poor Earth, hope the Troobians don't fuck you up to bad.
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