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Old 10/24/05, 05:53 PM   #1
Kamen Rider Decade
Join Date: 01/14/08
Posts: 1,370

We have gotten continuity violations of past seasons, which I won't rehash. We have gotten continuity violations between episodes within SPD. Now we have the mother load of all continuity violations within an episode of SPD.

I am going to start with a quote that doesn't quite fit but it helps to understand the flow of the second quote.

I think the S.P.D. Rangers are officially the weakest team of Power Rangers. A couple slashes and they're hospitalized?

we're used to Rangers being thrown in the middle of explosion after explosion and coming out without a scratch.
Sirstack responds:
I say what's a lot more absurd than that was the fact they get hospitalized, but when they morph, they're fine. When they demorph? They're all good as new! Gee, if morphing can heal you, why not morph to begin with, instead of laying around wasting our time with Dr Felix
SPD the show that needs to be judged for the raping of PR.
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