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PRFAN1 01/17/11 11:13 PM

Series Bible
I once heard of this series bible which gives out tons of PR info and I was wondering, what is all in that bible?

PRangerX 01/17/11 11:14 PM

Its really just a guide for the writers to write for the season. There is nothing usually earth shattering in there. Usually just character profiles and style guides for the writers. Plus some art to show off what the show might look like. Its not as great as some fans would thing. The orginal NS Series Bible that MMPR production did would probably be an interesting one. Since its the first version of NS and different then Disney's. But that stuff was destoryed.

Kamen Rider Decade 01/17/11 11:14 PM

The only "shattering" thing that I have heard about the Saban era bible was that Amit in all his infinite "wisdom" decided Kimberly was going to slum it with Skull some time after leaving Tommy

Then Amit added in that Alpha 5 was destroyed on Eltar when the UAE attacked and kidnapped Zordon, that I would consider a big fat duh.

But here is the golden rule about television if it didn't air it didn't happen period. Thus no matter what Amit or anyone added to the bible if it wasn't aired on tv, online, or however they air the program it never happened and thus not canon or in continuity.

PRangerX 01/17/11 11:15 PM

I remember the Kim stuff supposedly being in the bible. But not sure about the Alpha being dead stuff. He did say that at the PR Newsgroup though. The real nugget of info was this huge backstory Amit made about Animeria.

I think things off screen can be in continuity. Sometimes you have to read between the lines. Plus, the people who work on the show do have authority over continuity. That said, these type of things can be easily retconned..... Since they never aired.

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