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super silverizer 12/01/01 08:15 PM

where do u think zhane is
in the lost galaxy/in space team up zhane never appeared.he was the best space ranger

astromegazord 12/01/01 09:56 PM

Its Mirinoi not Maranoi. At least try to get the name's right

Red Tulip Ranger 12/02/01 10:47 AM

Last known location of Zahne is on the Astro Mega Ship, en route to Earth. What happened to him then, no one knows.
I don't think he got killed with the explosion of the Mega Ship, unless he crawled back into his stasis cell without anyone who'd care knowing about it.

bluewizard 12/02/01 06:08 PM

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the Mega Winger destroyed before/during Countdown to Destruction. So, no one really knows where he is.

Midnight Sayian Ranger 12/04/01 01:56 AM

he was left behind to protect the Earth.

Pyro Lion Ranger 12/05/01 01:01 PM

Re: Maybe.....
bluewizard: The Mega Winger was not destroyed. It was damaged. Watch the episode again carefully if you got it on your tapes.

Midnight: I would have to agree with you on that.

MiChaos 12/31/01 08:10 PM

Re: Maybe.....
About the Winger, at the beginning of CtD2, when the Rangers are round that fire in Angel Grove, Zhane stumbles in, and Andros (or someone) asks if he's ok, he replies "I survived, but the Winger didn't", meaning, I assume, the Mega Winger was destroyed trying to protect the KO35ians.

JZSpock 12/31/01 09:57 PM

Maybe Zhane found one of those portals and reunited with Karone on Mirinoi.

Windgrail2 12/31/01 11:40 PM

My original thought was that he had repressed feelings for Ashley afterall, with her being the first spotlight female of his life since being awaken from a 2 year cryogenic nap. Perhaps this issue somehow came up while discussing his love interests or Karone. A huge arguement coud have broken out over this, and Zhane gets his space away from Andros, therefore explaining his absence during To the Tenth Power and The Power of Pink. It would also explain why they didn't even bring his name up during the teamup. Just another theory...

astromegazord 01/05/02 12:52 PM

That sounds just a bit too far fetched. He was either on Earth because think about it, at that point he was te only Ranger on Earth still with his powers. Or he was on KO-35 helping them out like he was throughout PRiS.

Your theories are all well and good, but at least try to keep them somewhat sensible. You have to think like Saban, not go with every crazy idea you get.

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