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PrimoPiccolo 09/04/09 02:59 AM

Dragon Knight Episode #22: "A Rider's Resolve"
One word: Siren.

PrimoPiccolo 09/05/09 04:43 PM

Worthy follow-up to yesterday's events. Maya and Trent lament over their illusion of JTC falling apart, Xaviax finally loses his cool and goes off on Danny, Kit's visions of his dad aren't pleased with him anymore, Kit and Len have a bonding moment, Danny goes for his revenge despite the big-time threat, and OMGSIREN!

I love Kase. She's girly, and she loves being girly, but she's tough as nails. Normally with powerful women in the action genre, they just come off as bitchy, but Kase knows who she is and doesn't have to push so hard. That attitude also translates into her battle prowess, as she prefers to dodge her enemy's attacks and capitalize on their errors rather than strike first. Then again, if your opponent's got two bear claws coming at you and all you've got is a weenie fencing sword, you'd probably just duck too. Her stunt double, whoever that is, is just amazing.

Can't wait for next week, so that they can explain to me why Kase isn't at all surprised that Len's alive...

Tendou 09/05/09 05:54 PM

I also agree with what you said about Kase. To add to that it is also great how there is another original Rider alive. Len has been doubting his leadership skills lately as you have seen in this episode and others. With Kase here he may not feel as down and may start taking up his newfound responsibilities now that he has an old friend with him. Learning that Len was the lone wolf added a lot of background and substance to his character. You can see why he likes to fight alone.

I also liked how they still are reflecting on Chris' demise. It really shows that the creators want this show to be mature and not childish.

Also in the past two episodes I have been seeing a more human side to James. He was on the verge of consoling Axe when his brother died, but then stopped himself. Then in this episode you see his reaction to Xaviax's outburst against Axe. You could see a whole mix of emotions there. They are really fleshing out all the characters well.

PRangerX 09/07/09 01:26 PM

The scene with Len/Kit was nice. I like how Len couldn't tell Kit how to deal with Venting. Its just something he'd have to learn to deal with on his own. I agree about he Lone Wolf character making sense for Len. But wasn't the orginal Dragon Knight is friend?

Its interesting, to see Frank critize Kit for "letting him down'. This is the first time we have seen him be critical of Kit and not the consoling father. I wonder how this will effect Kit's relationship with Len and his decision making in general.

The scene with Kit and Trent talking about their disapointment with James was good. I like how Maya pointed out that James could have made a difference like Kit and Len if he wanted too. Makes you wonder if there will end up being a redeeming quality for James.

The scene where Xaviax reveals his true form and threatens Axe was intense. It really goes with the old saying about the devil sometimes taking a pleasing shape. As Xaviax's charming human form really is a mask for his monsterous form. And when Axe wouldn't leason to reason he got real harsh with him. Of course Axe wasn't going to listen.

The confrontation between Kit and Axe was well done and intense. Axe really merciously attacked Kit and would have Vented him if it wasn't for Siren.

I thought it was kind of a cop out how Kit and Len got separated though. I mean Kit rushes off and Len doesn't seem ready to follow. I mean they did sense trouble. Even if Kit was being overzealous, Len should have been rushing to get to where they had to go.

I like what we have seen from Siren so far. She seems just like Len but possibly even more bad ass. She seems to have a shoot first and ask questions later mentality. Its only natural to assume that all the other Riders we're pawns of Xaviax.

I wonder why she knew Wing Knight was Len and not an imposter? Also wouldn't she assume that Kit was Adam? Besides, Kit was getting beat up by Axe. So I wonder why she turned on him so fast. Perhaps she thought it was a trick or its just her nature not to question. I am looking foward to learning more about her.

TokuNoob 09/07/09 05:43 PM

Ah the Rider War approaches its climax. But two Riders remain unrevealed. Kit and Danny's quarrel over family values mid-fight was pretty interesting. However, I can't get over feeling that having Kit beat the stuffing out of three riders at once in one episode, only to get his rear handed to him by one of the aforementioned riders in the next episode isn't justified.

PrimoPiccolo 09/09/09 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by PRangerX (Post 984)
I agree about he Lone Wolf character making sense for Len. But wasn't the orginal Dragon Knight is friend?

I think it's two different areas. You can be friendly with someone without trusting them to have your back. Wing Knight obviously preferred to work alone, despite any relationships he had with the other Riders. Sort of like in Operation Overdrive when Will had a problem working with a team, not because he didn't like the others, but because he felt he operated better by himself.


I wonder why she knew Wing Knight was Len and not an imposter? Also wouldn't she assume that Kit was Adam? Besides, Kit was getting beat up by Axe. So I wonder why she turned on him so fast.
She probably didn't think Kit was Adam for the same reason she didn't think Danny was whoever his counterpart from Ventara is. All the Riders are twins, after all. And she probably didn't think there was a "good guy" in their fight, like the time Strike fought Torque, for example.

But I do question why she's not surprised to see Len, yet Len was sure everyone else had died. So I'm definitely hoping that gets straightened out in the next episode.


Originally Posted by TokuNoob (Post 985)
I can't get over feeling that having Kit beat the stuffing out of three riders at once in one episode, only to get his rear handed to him by one of the aforementioned riders in the next episode isn't justified.

Danny and Albert were playing around with him in the warehouse, you could tell by the way they were acting, high fives and such. They assumed victory by the numbers, and it bit them in the butt.

Danny was out for revenge the next time, he wasn't taking anything for granted. While Kit was in ridiculously high spirits, so much so that he broke off from Len to begin with. He wasn't seeing loss as a possibility, quite possibly expecting the disturbance to be another Mirror Monster, rather than one of Xaviax's Riders.

Just like in real life, winners of fights are often determined by the motivation of the people involved.

TokuNoob 09/10/09 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by PrimoPiccolo (Post 993)

Just like in real life, winners of fights are often determined by the motivation of the people involved.

Very perceptive. You have a knack for looking deeper into things...:cool:

mbozzo 09/11/09 10:51 PM

"A Rider's Resolve' is a good episode. Xaviax is losing control of his plans to conquer the Earth. A rift is devolping between Xaviax and one of his Riders. The best part part is that we meet a new female Kamen Rider. I can't wait for the next episode.

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