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napy666 11/06/14 11:53 AM

Make Up!
Why do the Guardians say "Mars power make up"? what was wrong with the "mars power"? what does the "make up" represent? Do those lines resemble those that were also in the manga? This is comparing it to the Dic dub/Viz dub.

PRangerX 11/06/14 09:40 PM

Re: Make Up!
I believe the lines are in the manga. But there are no transformation sequences. The line are just part of Sailor Moon and were removed by the original two dubs.

I think the idea is based on woman wearing make up. We see that the Soldiers are supposed to be bueatiful. I think the idea is to appeal to young girls. Which was the original demo they were targeted. The show just became popular with many age groups. Mostly since it had a lot of Shonto elements too.

Cloverway Fan 11/14/17 11:34 AM

Re: Make Up!
the problem is when it got translated to the anime.

Usagi would say something like "Moon Prism Power Make Up"
but when it was dubbed by DiC and later by Cloverway they would just remove the "Make Up" part of the call which posed problems in instances when they did the group "Make Up" calls so viz opted to keep the Make Up line for their dubs regardless of how weird it might sound to an English audience

Sentai Is Forever 11/18/17 11:54 AM

Re: Make Up!
The make up line should never have been deleted in the first place. I am glad Viz is giving us Sailor Moon the way it was meant to be. I hope Saban Brands does this for American Sentai someday.

MattEmily 11/18/17 12:39 PM

Re: Make Up!
the Make Up line sounds weird and completely out of place for an English show and you're seriously delusional if you ever think Saban or any other company will do a faithful version of Sentai as an American Sentai. Power Rangers is not an American Sentai as you like to call it the show is an adaptation of Sentai it's not meant to be Sentai or anything close to it and it'll never be Sentai.

You want Sentai? then it's like I keep on saying you already have it. It's already there it's pointless to re-make something that's already there like Hollywood keeps on doing with all of those reboots that tend to tanked. You have Sentai already so go and watch it whether you watch it online, through streaming sites or official DVDs but you're not getting American Sentai that's never going to happen.

Ninja Brody 11/18/17 05:55 PM

Re: Make Up!

Originally Posted by Cloverway Fan (Post 68849)
the problem is when it got translated to the anime.

Usagi would say something like "Moon Prism Power Make Up"
but when it was dubbed by DiC and later by Cloverway they would just remove the "Make Up" part of the call which posed problems in instances when they did the group "Make Up" calls so viz opted to keep the Make Up line for their dubs regardless of how weird it might sound to an English audience

Didn't they just say Sailor Scouts instead? In the Dic group transformations?

Dic Dubber 11/18/17 05:59 PM

Re: Make Up!
Cloverway and Matt are right, the Make Up line was out of place. Dic was smart to get rid of it. But they did everything the best.

Sentai Is Forever 11/18/17 06:11 PM

Re: Make Up!
When I say American Sentai I am referring to what you call Power - damn just can't say it. Anyway American Sentai should be adapting its source material as closely as Viz is with Sailor Moon. Thats all I am saying. Its more a compliment for Viz.

PRX wants me to make separate threads in my forum when topics start to go in this direction! So I made a thread on the subject for that part of this discussion to continue


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