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PrimoPiccolo 11/14/09 02:22 PM

Dragon Knight Episode #32: "Advent Master Returns"
Maya's a "...Common Rider now"?


PrimoPiccolo 11/14/09 03:24 PM


Eubulon is an ugly name for such a beautiful man. He single-handedly made this show make sense, while at the same time being an unscrupulous deus ex machina.

-Roswell, 1947? Genius!
-Wave of the hand to reassign Advent Decks? Stupid.
-The Advent Void used as a refueling station? Brilliant!
-Touching has hand to automatically learn various martial arts? Lame.

Such a shame for him to get saddled with the gawdy Alternative Zero costume.

Tendou 11/14/09 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by PrimoPiccolo (Post 1244)

Eubulon is an ugly name for such a beautiful man. He single-handedly made this show make sense, while at the same time being an unscrupulous deus ex machina.

-Roswell, 1947? Genius!
-Wave of the hand to reassign Advent Decks? Stupid.
-The Advent Void used as a refueling station? Brilliant!
-Touching has hand to automatically learn various martial arts? Lame.

Such a shame for him to get saddled with the gawdy Alternative Zero costume.


Also it finally makes sense why Xaviax was so sure Kit would join him. Adam betrayed his friends for the one he loved. Xaviax probably thought Kit would do the same for his father. Definitely an awesome character already. The Advent Void thing was genius. Can't wait to see some of the best characters return next episode. By the way everyone has a cool look going for them now. Got to love leather jackets and suits.

mbozzo 11/14/09 04:28 PM

Advent Master Return is a good episode. We learn why Adam betray his fellow Kamen Riders. Maya has become a new Kamen Rider, and the No Men has allied themselves with the good guys, at last. :D

TokuNoob 11/14/09 10:58 PM

Awesome episode. And way to bring Lunsford back in the game! Still waiting for Onyx though.

PRangerX 11/15/09 02:31 PM

It was nice to finally meet Adam. His motivations and backstory seem interesting. He could end up being one of the more interesting characters on the show. It makes the whole arch where Xaviax' using Kit's dad to get to Kit make sense. Xaviax tricked Adam in much the same way. The only difference is Kit said no to Xaviax. Xaviax was surprised by this, since he was able to manipulate Adam and so many others. So thats an interesting contrast.

I think William O'leary did very well this week. His protrayal of Xaviax continues to be one of the highlights of the series. Now that Wraith has been vented, its nice to have O'leary fully back. The way Xaviax interacted with Adam was just so devious. Xaviax is a total manipulator. Just like Darth Sedious in Star Wars.

Maya has Kamen Rider Siren was fun to see. It made sense that the Advent Master could reassign the decks. Having her make Maya magically know how to fight, was the best way to explain why Maya could suddenly be a Kamen Rider. I mean we see that it took Kit several episodes before he really got the hang of things. And he still has a lot to learn now. It wouldn't have made sense for Maya to be so good. So I actually like how the Master taught her how to fight.

I wish that Venting was still final. But I actually didn't mind it as much once it was explained as a fail safe. And its not like they are bringing back all the Rider's at once. Its going to be interesting to see the orginal Strike, Torque, and Axe.

Trent jioning the No-Men actually makes sense. Plus it gives his character a purpose. Sending Lacy back into the real world, fits her character. Too bad she can't do something more interesting. Perhaps she will later on.

I must say I think O'leary did very well this week. His protrayal of Xaviax continues to be one of the highlights of the series. Now that Wraith has been vented, its nice to have O'leary fully back. The way Xaviax interacted with Adam was just so devious. Xaviax is a total manipulator. Just like Darth Sedious in Star Wars.

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