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Sensei Ranger 03/06/15 11:36 AM

How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
All he had was a zord and a hacked cell phone? How did he figure out how to make his own ranger powers?

Gosei Great 03/06/15 04:43 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
The Zord helped him. It obviously chose him after Antonio proved his worth as a Samurai. Antonio drew the power of his zord to become a Ranger.

Superstatler 03/06/15 04:45 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
It was just a product of bad writing. Antonio becomes a Ranger simply because the plot calls for it. They didn't care that it made no sense. It was just another example of why you don't do a pr season without a writing staff.

Phantom Stranger 03/06/15 04:47 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
I would have had Deker become human and become Gold Ranger. His Nighlok half could have lived on to torment the Rangers.

MattEmily 03/06/15 09:19 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
It's an interesting question that's for sure but it was mentioned that Antonio was able to figure things out by studying the Octozord so I guess by studying the zord and researching it he was able to hack his cell phone to tap into the Morphin' Grid so that he could morph into a Power Ranger.

A lot of things in Power Rangers don't make a lot of sense anyway.

1. Who made the Shogunzords?
2. Why were the Shogunzords frozen on that planet?
3. What happened to the 4 Zyu2 monsters that helped out Rito in destroying the Thunder Megazord and Tigerzord Warrior Mode?
4. What happened to Incisorator?
5. What happened to Scorpina?
6. What happened to Lokar?
7. What happened to Baboo?
8. What happened to Mama D?
9. What did King Aradon look like?
10. How did Trey get the Super Zeo Gems?
11. Did Trey reclaim the Warrior Wheel and Pyramidas once his powers were restored?
12. What became of Auric and his key?
13. Why were only Rita, Zedd, Divatox and Astronema purified?
14. What happened to Impostra?
15. How come Carter couldn't access the powers of the Titanium Ranger?
16. How come Captain Logan had no clue where the Shadow Winger came from but was reporting to Alex like Alex was his Boss?
17. Why wasn't Z or Syd promoted when both Sky and Bridge were promoted after Jack had decided to retire?
18. Did Udonna become a sorceress again because of reclaiming her Snow Staff?
19. What happened to Sharkjaw?
20. Did Gosei and Tensou go back to sleep now that The Armada threat is over with?

Astronema 03/06/15 10:24 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
I would say Astronema was purified because she had already turned good and only went back to being evil because of the cyber implants that were forced on her.

VR Master 03/06/15 10:26 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
Antonio was the underdog. He had no formal pedigree or formal training like the others. Yet he was able to train himself, master his zord, and access the grid to become Gold Ranger. He was an over achiever. The guy willed himself to be a Samurai and a Ranger.

Phantom Stranger 03/06/15 10:27 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
I found it funny how he had that big debut and almost beat a monster by himself. Yet there are still worried the next episode about him getting hurt. Ji and Jayden even make him give up his morpher at first. Which is just silly because Antonio already proved himself.

Delta Black 03/06/15 10:28 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
Kevin was especially annoying with how he kept ragging on Antonio for not being a true Samurai in the beginning. It was pretty clear Antonio was good enough to be a Samurai. The elitism here was just plan silly.

Usagi Reborn 03/06/15 10:30 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
I don't know what it is with Blue Rangers lately. We have annoying Blue Rangers like Theo and Kevin. I can't count Kai because that was years and multiple production regimes ago. At least Koda is humble and down to Earth.

Massive Ego 03/06/15 10:33 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
Antonio was a spaz, who was way over rated. He was a moron and not deserving of being a Samurai Ranger. Ji and Jayden should have stuck to their guns and kicked him off the team before he had a chance to join. It made no sense that he was brought in. His first battle was just beginners luck. Its unbelievable that Ji would have let young Antonio keep the Octo Zord once he found out Jayden gave it to him.

Khan's Wrath 03/06/15 10:35 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
Six Rangers just aren't as good as they used to be. They are usually just the wierd whacky guys of the group. And really don't come off as more special than a normal Ranger. There is no real great Sixth Rangers anymore. They are all generic and don't really stand out. The last great Sixth was Eric.

MattEmily 06/09/16 02:34 AM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?

Originally Posted by Khan's Wrath (Post 53083)
Six Rangers just aren't as good as they used to be. They are usually just the wierd whacky guys of the group. And really don't come off as more special than a normal Ranger. There is no real great Sixth Rangers anymore. They are all generic and don't really stand out. The last great Sixth was Eric.

I completely disagree to a point.

Nina Storm = Cam was the genius of the group and he was so smart that he created a virtual replicant to help with his duties at Ninja Ops while he was busy being a Ranger. Also keep in mind that his Dad had banned him from becoming a ninja due to the promise he had made to his previous wife which was obviously hurting Cam emotionally.

Dino Thunder = Trent was a good friend to the team but when he was bonded to the gem the gem's evil energies had corrupted it and had forced control on himself and it took a bit for someone to trust him again once the gem's evil control was neutralized.

S.P.D. = Cruger was an emotionally battered police Commander who was still dealing with what he had thought was the death of his wife.
I will agree that Omega was a pathetic 6th Ranger though.

Mystic Force = Daggeron. He was one of the warriors that had fought in the Ancient Battle and had discovered that a good friend of theirs; Calindor had betrayed them so he fought him until their energies collided and they were cursed and of course because of the curse he was cursed to become a frog until Maddie had kissed him to break the curse. Daggeron then took over as a Mentor figure.

Overdrive, Jungle Fury, RPM, Samurai and Megaforce = I do remember with Tyzonn, Dominic, Gem and Gemma and Antonio not being the best. Robo Knight was okay but Orion wasn't that good.

Ivan was good for a 6th Ranger in Dino Charge.

MattEmily 07/07/16 05:58 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?

Originally Posted by Usagi Reborn (Post 53081)
I don't know what it is with Blue Rangers lately. We have annoying Blue Rangers like Theo and Kevin. I can't count Kai because that was years and multiple production regimes ago. At least Koda is humble and down to Earth.

I don't entirely agree with you there.

Ninja Storm = Tori she was the smartest of the Wind Rangers but that's not really saying much when you compare her to Dustin and Shane.

Dino Thunder = Ethan was a genius who didn't care originally about the consequences of his inventious acts and yes I know inventious isn't a word.

S.P.D. = Sky was a Ranger who had looked up to his Dad (a previous S.P.D. Red Ranger) who had been hurting emotionally because of Cruger's decision to not give him the Red Ranger powers because he felt only he was worthy enough to be a Red Ranger and was too cocky about it but eventually accepted the decision over time and soon became the Red Ranger and then the Earth Commander.

Mystic Force = Madison enjoyed shooting things with her camera mostly of her friends because it was what she had enjoyed doing.

Overdrive = Dax. Now he wasn't a good Blue Ranger.
Jungle Fury = Definitely not a good Blue Ranger.
RPM = Flynn he was a Ranger who was willing to risk his life to get people inside Corinth and he also co-created a zord.
Samurai = Kevin wasn't a good Blue Ranger one of the reasons is because he was rather annoying.
Megaforce = Noah was a genius but other than that not much else. He created the Cannon in Super Megaforce but otherwise he did nothing that was real impressive.
Dino Charge = Koda. He has real character because of being a caveman and because he's been struggling with the current times which makes him a good Blue Ranger.

Khan's Wrath 07/07/16 08:20 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
Trent's storyline started out good. But they droped the evil Ranger gimmick too quickly. They didn't let the Evil Ranger storyline play out long enough. And Trent didnt have much to do afterwards. The drama of him keeping Anton's secret also had a bad payoff. Nothing happened, just an excuse for a clip show.

Captain Codfish 07/07/16 08:21 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
I agree with Matt that not all the recent Sixth Rangers have been bad. But they do seem rather lacking at times these days.

Sailor Saban 08/25/16 10:55 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
The Octozord gave him the power to be a Ranger.

MMPR Forever 08/25/16 10:56 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
Six Rangers will never live up to Tommy. Thats why most of them fell bleh.

MattEmily 10/22/17 03:39 AM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?

Originally Posted by Khan's Wrath (Post 57314)
Trent's storyline started out good. But they droped the evil Ranger gimmick too quickly. They didn't let the Evil Ranger storyline play out long enough. And Trent didnt have much to do afterwards. The drama of him keeping Anton's secret also had a bad payoff. Nothing happened, just an excuse for a clip show.

the writers had no control over the evil Ranger thing since it was a Disney mandate that they didn't want a Ranger to remain evil.

Massive Ego 10/22/17 08:03 AM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?

Originally Posted by MattEmily (Post 67835)
the writers had no control over the evil Ranger thing since it was a Disney mandate that they didn't want a Ranger to remain evil.

And that just shows why just about all the disney seasons sucked. Not that the new Saban seasons have been much better.

Elgar 10/22/17 08:14 AM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
I liked Trent better as a good guy anyway .

Fanboy Supreme 10/22/17 08:44 AM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
The cell phone was magic. You all have to take my word for it.

Dic Dubber 10/22/17 10:22 AM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
I liked Antonio , he was a throwback to MMPR.

Red With Evil 10/22/17 01:38 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
I did think it was too easy for him to make his own powera from a random zord and old cell phone.

MattEmily 10/22/17 03:17 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?

Originally Posted by Massive Ego (Post 67838)
And that just shows why just about all the disney seasons sucked. Not that the new Saban seasons have been much better.

it would've been the same thing regardless of whether it was Saban Entertainment, Disney or Saban Brands the only difference is that Saban Entertainment might've allowed it to go a bit longer.

Time For Time Force 10/22/17 06:18 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
I think the later Saban Entertainment days would have been different though. Eric wasn't a villian but he was somewhat of an antagonist for most of the season.

Superstatler 10/22/17 06:20 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
I don't see Saban Brands being muh different though. Since they seem to want the old formula adapted for the 2010's

Samurai Megazord 10/22/17 06:21 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
Antonio was very annoying and should have been thrown out by Ji.

Doomsday 10/22/17 06:24 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
Actually Ji was foolish for encouraging Jayden to kick Antonio out. He already proved himself in battle. It didnw matter if he wasn't born a Samurai. He was clearly capable and not just fooling around.

Anti Hexagon 10/22/17 06:26 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
I don't mind Antonio or the idea of another man made Ranger. The way it happened just seemed way too easy. I hate it when powers are just produced out of thin air for convenience. Thats something the show used to be good about not doing.

Ranger Onyx 10/22/17 06:27 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
I know. In Overdrive, the same thing happened when Hartford just produced a morpher for Tyzonn when it was convenient for the plot.

Zordon's Legacy Exposed 10/22/17 07:18 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
The Samurai Rangers were from elitists clans where prestige was more important than doing what was right. The Rangers themselves had better morals and didn't follow that way of thinking. And neither did Ji, once he let Antonio on the team.

Outer Sailor 10/22/17 07:23 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
I did think they had to elaborate more. At least have Jayden give him a broken mprpeher too.

Massive Ego 10/22/17 07:37 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
Antonio was a sumbass who didn't deserve to b Jayden's friend, let alone a Ranger! It was assnine that he could build his own morpher and figure out how to control a zord. Also Ji should have taken it back.

Putty On The Brain 10/22/17 07:47 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
Antonio was awesome! He was funny and really enjoyed being a Ranger. He was also smart. I love how he was able to master his own zord and turn a broken cell phone into a morpher.

Lord Jedite 10/22/17 10:39 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
They just don't do a good job with Sixth Rangers anymore. They no longer feel special. It made no sense how Antonio just randomly had powers because he had a zord and some cell phone.

VR Forever 10/22/17 10:46 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
I think the broken phone was actually given to him by the zord and was really a broken morpher.

Jason Chan Fan 10/23/17 05:45 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
That was part of the fun of the season. I love it when Power Rangers does magical things like that. It is part of the charm of the show.

Green Scorpion Ranger 10/23/17 09:08 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
They never really explained weather the phone was supposed to be a broke morpher or not.

Jen's Revenge 10/27/17 11:15 PM

Re: How could Antonio become a Ranger on his own?
Antonio's origins don't seem to fit very well when you think about how hard Ranger powers should be to obtain.

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