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Hexagon Ranger 02/19/18 11:57 AM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Scott started freaking out like he did back in the Command Center. He gave Goldar a karate chop.

Cosmic Ranger 02/19/18 12:07 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Goldar took the chop and almost lost his balance.

"You will pay for that human!"

Goldar struck Goldar back harder and blasted hom with energy from his sword. Csusing the Red Ranger to fall to the ground.

"You're not the only one with special powers. But mine our stronger becausethey come fro Queen Rita. A Dark Monarch of the Dark Power. "

Meanwhile at the Command Center , alarms Glared.

"Ayi,Ayi Zordon...Scott is under attack by a Morphological Being. And it looks like he is over matched. "

" Yes Alpha. It appears Rita has already morphed an innocent human into one of her minion. Rangers I know you have more questions. But Scott is another recent recruit that needs you help. Alpha will give you your communicators and teleport you to help Scott. Use the names of your Dinosaur Spirits to morph. And remember the Power will protect you! "

Alpha gave the bewildered tees their communicators and teleported them straight to the battle scene.

"Ayi,Ayi Zordon, do you think there ready."

" The power coins chose them for a reason. We must have faith in them and that the power will protect them".

Green With Envy 02/19/18 12:18 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Billy was in the park getting dissed by a couple of popular girls that he was trying to impress. He bought a hot dog and sat at the bench , wondering why he had to mentiom his interest in ants.

Somers than can't believe his eyes as he sees a monster battling spandex clad heroes. Fear gripped his mind as he started to run for it. He tripped and fell to the ground. His hot dog laid on the ground and changed into a strange gold coin.

Billy quickly got up to run again but noticed the coin. He couldn't help but to pick it up on. As he did he felt a rush of power and confidence. Instead of fear he was compelled to fight the monster. He ran towards the battle scene half wondering if he just lost his mind.

Luke Skywalker 02/20/18 08:13 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Zayden's face got a determined expression as Zordon explained to him the cause behind the alarms. A few hours ago, he would have run from the thought of being a hero like this, but the Power that the Coin had filled him with gave him both confidence and courage.

"Alright, I'm in. Take me to him!"

Soon enough, Zayden found himself at the battle scene. He saw the Red Ranger battling Goldar, and some other guy there as well who was probably going to get himself killed.

As if the Power Coin spoke to him, he knew what he had to do. Bringing the Coin forward, Zayden let the Power enshroud him in a layer of black energy.


Where Zayden had stood was now a being adorned in Black Ranger armor. The Black Ranger looked at his new form for a second, before sprinting straight towards Goldar and jumping, coming in at Rita's Minion with a flying kick.

Cosmic Ranger 02/21/18 12:01 AM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Goldar drops backwards and loses his balance this time. But he quickly recovers and knocked the Black Ranger to the ground. He zapps him with his sword

"So another Ranger! Looks like you are going to die too".

As Billy runs towards the battle a morphee appears on his waist, enclosing his Power coins. And a communicator is around his wrist. Zordon's voice blasts out from his communicator.

" Billy you are a Power Ranger. Say the name Triceratops to morph into a Power Ranger."

Green With Envy 02/21/18 12:11 AM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Billy stops in his tracks as he sees the two heroes blasted to the ground. the ground. . He is surprised by his new morpher and communicator. But he was also surprised by the coin. He knows he has no choice but to trust the voice he just heard.


Energy forms around Somers as his Ranger Suit forms around him. Billy feels the power around him. But knows he just can't attack the monster head on or he will just get blasted too.

Billy sees the strange blaster around his waist. He takes the blaster out of the holster and shoots at Goldar repeatly.

Kimberly Hart 02/21/18 12:13 AM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Sarah is scared and runs away.

Hexagon Ranger 02/21/18 12:18 AM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Scott uses the distraction to get up and decides to use his own blaster. He joins the Blue Ranger by blasting Goldar himself.

"Black attack him while he is distracted!"

Luke Skywalker 02/21/18 10:45 AM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
The Black Ranger was shot back by Goldar's attack, and he grunted in pain, but quickly pushed himself onto his feet. He spared a glance at Sarah who was running away instead of fighting.

"Wait!" he called to her, "come back! We need your help!"

Then the Blue Ranger showed himself, and the Black Ranger decided to focus his attention on the matter at hand.

"Hey, Zordon! Do I have any weapons other than this blaster?! Like a sword or something?!" he called out.

As both Red and Blue Rangers began distracting Goldar with their blasters, the Black Ranger nodded at them and assumed a fighting stance, before beginning a sprint straight towards Goldar, launching himself into the air with full Power Ranger strength with a kick aimed straight at the back of Goldar's head.

Cosmic Ranger 02/21/18 10:53 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Goldar feels the full force of the blasts and the Black Rangers attack. He falls to the ground in pain. But slowly starts to get up.

Zordon responds to the Black Ranger, "Yes you can summon your power axe. "

" Billy you can use your Power Lance"

"Scott you can you the Power Sword."

"Sarah rejoin your comrads and believe that the power will protect you. Your weapon is the Power Bow."

Goldar recovers enough to begin his latest attack.

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