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Drakeonis 04/23/10 12:03 AM

"you monster!!" drake ran beside kio his fist ablaze once more

" these are the fist that will take you down"

he jumped and punched at yuuji but was struck down by an oncoming lightning blast and blown away by a wind gust he simply roared and started charging again

Kamen Rider Dragoon 04/23/10 12:06 AM

Kio stood there...fists clenched. "Oh and how do i have it wrong? You killed someone that had a chance to be saved. Tell me why...why i shouldnt just hit you with a memory break right now."

Kio ignored the lightning..he was worried about it.

Rennzeth 04/23/10 12:09 AM

Yuuji allowed Drake to punch him as he fell down onto the floor. Droplets of water fell upon them as he smiled and got up. Blood raced down his mouth at he looked the other way.

"See ya."

Yuuji started to walk again, his new toy was enough to earn the day. The appearance of the riders were not much to worry about, he expected them to be alot tougher.

"I guess the former riders would've been a much more bigger threat. Hit me with all you got then, another time maybe?"

Gathering memories was now his sole mission, Yuuji now didn't have to heed these so called riders.

Zarkenor 04/23/10 12:17 AM

"Crud, looks like they need some serious artillery support," Lost said,

He quickly shot 4 times in a flash, then continued to shoot rapidly, 6 bullets per sec. Raining bullets on Yuuji, but being wary of the others at the same time.

Drakeonis 04/24/10 01:59 AM

Drake fell onto his hands and knees and in a fit of rage began to punch the ground multiple tines but calmed down

"no your not getting away from your crimes" drake activated his kabuto phone

"track him don't lose him" the phone made a nodding gesture and flew after yuuji

Kamen Rider Dragoon 04/24/10 10:28 AM

Kio growled and turned away. He walked over to the body of the young boy and shifted him, placing him in a better position. He sighed softly. "Rest in peace...and know that people that loved you will remember you forever. We riders will stop that crazy dopant."

Drakeonis 04/25/10 01:35 AM

"your dang right were gonna catch that dopant"

drake became covered in a red aura he then knelt to the teens body and crossed his heart the aura died down

"sorry kid"

the kabuto phone flew over drakes head and began to make signal torwards the east

"the dopants over there will follow my kabuto phone to it"
he walked over to his bike and revved the engine

Zarkenor 04/25/10 11:34 AM

Where Lost was standing, was exactly middle of Fuuto City, though where he was, was no other than the Fuuto Tower, the highest building in the city, and it's main symbol.Lost could see all of Fuuto's sightings from here as it was his favorite hangout for free time.

"Hmmmm, looks like he's on the move at the moment, I'll have to try and slow him down a bit at least," he said.

Lost's Body can withstand 4 Maxium Drive Shots, he's used 3 so far, and at least one more to go before he's drained of energy. He's already exhausted at the moment.

"Well, at least I'm up here," he said casually.

He inserted the Trigger Memory into the slot.

Maximum Drive! Trigger Focus!

He shot out a huge laser as an attempt to slow Yuuji down, then collasped from exhaustion and fainted on the roof.

Drakeonis 04/25/10 11:59 PM

Drake kcked his bike into overdrive booking for yuuji

"where are you,where are you?"

his wheels on fire from how fast he was going he kept following the kabuto phone until it came to where it last saw yuuji and turned back into a phone drake grabbed it as it fell only to find the weather dopant no where in sight just a crowd off people walking one of the people saw him

"look kamen rider is back" the people crowded around him

"thank you but have you seen a white monster wearing a gold gauntlet?"

the people began to tell him of their sighting but from he could tell he was gone

"damn it"

he pulled out the sparrow disk lost gave him and threw it up into the air flying torwards it master

Kamen Rider Dragoon 04/26/10 12:07 AM

All Kio could do now was leave the sight. He headed down a deserted street and when he was out of sight of everyone he de-henshined and started punching a wall. He was angry with himself..angry he couldnt stop that dopant from killing that kid. He kept punching until his fist was bloody. Kio slumped to his knees and began to cry. He felt weak.

After a few minutes he got up, hid his hand, and made his way back to his bike. Kio hoped on it and drove. He knew all he could do now was go home and clean his hand up. He also knew that he would get a chance later to take out that creep.

Drakeonis 05/06/10 07:20 PM

In the depths below the sonzaki household two siblings ,a brother and sister, stood in the dark building known as the neo museum. Statues of dopants stood in a circle spread out across the room. The statue of the violence dopant shuttered and shaked glowing green then suddenly stopped the girl turned to alert her brother who was sitting at a desk intently reading book

"onii-san,violence was defeated and killed " the boy shot up from his place "What!?, killed what are those riders thinking?, shroud that women vexes me to no end"

"I agree mugen nii- san besides that violence boy was so cute to" she placed her palm against the cheek of the violence statue "perhaps big brother should take care of them mugen" perhaps are elder brother could help us Sarah, call him" sarah smirked a pulled out her cellphone and dial a number


across town inside a casino known as bloody Mary a man in his twenties wearing a silver cowboy hat with a ace of spades card in the brim he was wearing a gray vest over a red shirt a royal straight flush on the back of the vest wearing a pair off gray khaki pants was cleaning up in a game if poker aginst four other men he quickly grabbed his winnings and said "better luck next time boys" his cellphone ringing he pulled his phone out of his pocket

"hello, oh hi little sister, what!?, you just let onii-san take care of them bye" the men had long since left the table from his pocket he pulled out a T-shaped rider driver and set it on the table. He then withdrew two Gaia memories and pressed the buttons


Kamen Rider Dragoon 05/06/10 11:11 PM

Kio drove to fuuto tower. He parked his bike and made his way to the top of the giant windmill and sat there. He always felt this tower helped calm his mind and right now he needed it badly. Kio's mind was a wreck with anger and sadness. He had no idea what to do or who to turn to. He did know what those other rider's looked like but he didnt want to meet up with them...not until he calmed down. His mind raced as he thought of everyone possible who might help calm him down.

His mind whent to when he was younger and he first saw kamen rider double for the first time. If he could he would talk to them...to shotaro and philip, maybe they could offer some advice. Decideing to try it kio got back to the ground and hoped on his bike, heading for the detective agency owned by the famous duo.

Drakeonis 05/08/10 03:14 PM

Drake braked his bike in front of the narumi detective agency and got off he walked in and through is helmet to the ground

"shotaro-san,shotaro-san" he noticed a note on shotaros desk

"out on a case a detectives job is never done Philip will be over here later stay hardboiled,hidari shotaro"

drake sighed he crumpled up the note and threw it into the trash he had some time before Philip arrived

"open Gaia casino" He was now transported into a large casino filled with evergy game known to man after what had happened he needed to blow off some steam

Kamen Rider Dragoon 05/08/10 11:33 PM

Kio soon came to the Narumi detective agency and noticed the motorcycle outside. Thinking it belonged to shotaro he whent up to the door and knocked. "Hello? I am looking for Shotaro or Philip."

When he got no answer he opened the door and walked in and saw drake in an odd pose and realized this was one of the riders he saw before.

Drakeonis 05/09/10 01:21 AM

Drake in the Gaia coliseum was playing a very intresting game of PAC-man he was now in his rider form in a blue maze running from four multi-colored ghost he ran as he was chased by two ghost and dived for the power pellet and his whole body caught on fire he started run through the ghost "yeah take that ha" the flames began to fade in which the red ghost was able to catch him. He shot out off his pose and the Gaia casino

"Damn it Blinky!!!!!"looking up to see kio he quickly stood off and gave a cool look

"um what can I do for you" he said cooliy adjusting his fedora

Kamen Rider Dragoon 05/09/10 01:44 AM

"Ummm...i am looking for Shotaro and Philip. I need their advice about something i am working on."

Kio knew he had to play it cool as to not arouse suspician. If he said the wrong thing his cover would be blown and they would know he is kamen rider fang. He didnt want that, he wanted to be their ace, in case something bad happened. He may be a clown but when it came down to helping others, he tried to think ahead.

Drakeonis 05/11/10 11:27 PM

"well I'm shotaros apprentice Drake blaze, he's out on a case right now but Phillip is on his way over here right now" he sat down in his chair and kicked his feet up on the desk and grabbed a deck of cards from his desk and began to shuffle them

"your welcome to stay here until he comes"

Kamen Rider Dragoon 05/12/10 09:25 AM

Kio sighed to himself and sat on the counch by the door. "Thanks...i am in no rush today."

Kio knew the rumors about Philip's knolege and figured maybe he could help with his delema. But he also knew he would need to talk to him in private, away from drake as to not arouse suspician.

"By the way, my name is Kio Masami."

Drakeonis 05/16/10 09:48 PM

"Nice to meet you" drake finished shuffling the deck and slammed it onto the table as the bell in the door rang "Phillip is that you-woah!?" a beaten and bleeding Philip collapelsed on the floor

"Phillip are you okay,what happened" Phillip coughed "run" and passed out after which kenji walked in

"well two riders are here this will make my job so much more easier" he too a seat next to kio

"Philip isn't a rider anymore but I'd be happy to oblige " pulled out his lost driver and heat memory his anger so intense that the deck of cards burst into flames

"hmph kenji pulled out his T driver and pulled out his Gaia memories

"what your a rider, nevermind I'm taking you down"




both turning into rider form kenji placed his cowboy hat back onto his head and walked outside

Drake followed him out but stopped and turned to kio "please take care off him"

Kamen Rider Dragoon 05/16/10 10:42 PM

Kio gasped and put Philip on the counch and patted his forehead. Philip's eyes fluttered open a little and looked towards him. "Please...help him...fang..."

"Dont worry Philip-sama...i will make that person pay for siding with those of wicked hearts."

Before kio did anything else he pulled out his cell and made a call, signaling all the kamen rider phones. He changed his voice a little so they didnt recognize him. "Kamen riders...go to the Narumi detective agency...a strange rider is fighting Kamen rider Heat and has attacked Philip...he possibly works for the museum." He then hung up before they could ask him anything.

Fang appeared beside philip and nuzzled his former partner before going into Kio's hand. He then transformed the little dino and pressed the button, the driver appearing around his waist.



Kio then placed the gaia memory into the slot and transformed. He then left through a back door and got on the room, watching the fight below to gage the enimie's abilities.

Drakeonis 05/17/10 11:10 PM

Drake started the fight with a barrage of flaming punches all of which kenji dodged "is that it I thought you were better than this" he pulled the gamble revolver from his side and shot a volley of shots at drake.

"Agh-Damn" drake shot a charged fireball at kenji who shot it out off the sky he pulled out a black dragon and Gaia memory


The dragon sprung to life and eveloped drake in a sea of black flames drake tried to counter the flames with his own but the gadgets flames were to strong

"what a gadgets flames stronger that mine"

Kamen Rider Dragoon 05/18/10 10:37 AM

Kio blinked and taped the horn on his driver twice.

Shoulder fang.

Instantly the blade formed on his shoulder and kio took it in hand. Takeing careful aim, he tossed it right at the gadget, hitting it hard and forcing the wyvern back into it's compact form. Kio then jumped from the roof between Drake and the assailant, striking a pose and pointed at the enimy rider. "Now then...lets count up your sins."

Drakeonis 05/20/10 12:13 AM

Kneeling drake looks up to see kio

"fang?!" he chuckles "well said" gets up and flames discharge from his body

"thanks for the help be careful against this guy"

Kamen Rider Dragoon 05/20/10 10:36 AM

"Dont worry Heat..i wont let this guy take me down. Its strange though, i was driving in the area when my phone rang. I guess it was shroud or someone working for her but they informed me about this. So who is this jerk?"

Kio kept his gaurd up, one hand close the fang's horn ready to tap it. He noticed the driver this new opponent was using and smirked inwardly. So this guy fancies himself like double...unfortunetly none of us can compare to that duo for we are single riders.

Drakeonis 05/21/10 11:26 PM

"I have no idea but he messed with the wrong detective" he touched the empty spot where the other terminal should be "if we had the ability to turn into double riders we'd have this by no-DUCK!! Kenji shot a wild storm of shots from the gamble revolver which kio and drake barely dodged

"hmm you guys are really annoying me how about we up the odds pulling out a reddish-brown Gaia memeory and replaced the fate memory with it


He pointed the revolver at the two and shot a nearby hydrant which broke down and water exploded from the ground while unknown to the rider shourd walked up keeping herself out of sight

"Two driver hmm..so it's their doing"

Kamen Rider Dragoon 05/22/10 12:52 PM

Kio growled as the water showered him. Standing, he taped the horn once.

Arm Fang

He may have two ports but there is only one mind in there. Wich means he is at a disadvantage. We can take him if we work together heat. I remember seeing something fun once...involving double and accel...and a move they did together." Kio was of course mentioning the time the two riders had attacked the first weather dopant with their memory breaks.

Kio then charged in, making wild swings with the arm blade in an attempt to throw the enimy off gaurd for his real attacks.

Drakeonis 05/24/10 04:02 PM

" I like that idea" drake charged his arms with flames and went in along side kio preformimg a blazing combo again kenji dodged and flipped drop kicking the two attacking riders after which he shot back up to his feet "hahaha, that all you got,goodbye" making a pointng geture with his hand only to see the gamble revolver missing "what!?"

Under his helmet drake shot a cocky grin revealing the gamble revolver he stile when kenji dropkicked the two he got up and reached his hand out to kio

Kenji in an angry rage placed his ruin half on the ground causing it to crack and crumble drake seeing this place the heat memory in for a maximum drive

Heat Maxiumum Drive!!!!!!

Kamen Rider Dragoon 05/24/10 04:57 PM

Kio increased his attack while Drake got ready for the final part, showing his movements now as pure skill and not wild swings. When he heard the sound of the heat memory being placed for the maximum drive drake jumped back a couple feet and taped fang's horn three times.

Fang! Maximum Drive!

The blade vanished from Kio's arm and reappeared on his leg. "What say we call this something cool...like Volcanic Strider!" With that Kio jumped into the air and began to spin kick towards his target.

Drakeonis 05/24/10 05:09 PM

"Nice!!!" drake jumped crashing down into a Flaming meteor that formed it's own fang flaming aura only red he then yelled in unison with kio

Rider twin Maximum:VOLCANIC STRIDER

As the two attacks hit kenji causing a massive explosion fire blazed everywhere and anything a mile radius was slashed in half kenji limped out off the fire his driver in hand he clenched his teeth and pulled a silver and brown dopant memeory but slumped over "you won today but I'm coming for you riders" his bike sped up in front of him and he sped off

drake shot back a cocky "wanna bet?" as kenji fled he held up his hand and high fives kio as shroud began walking torwards the two

Kamen Rider Dragoon 05/24/10 05:37 PM

Kio smirked at Kenji's threat. "seriously? you have a long way to go before you can take on a true kamen rider on your own."

Kio then returned Drake's high five and laughs a little then stop when he spots shroud walking up towards them. "Shroud...i had a feeling you were close by. So what brings you here? I certainly hope nothing bad."

Drakeonis 05/24/10 07:56 PM

No I've merely come to give you more power with all the attacks and the resurficing of the museum you'll need more strength she pulled out a large black suitcase and a black PDA object pressing a button on it

Kabuto!! Stag!! The two phones turned into live mode and flew to shroud she input a code into the kabuto phone in which a large gray elephant appeared she tossed the phone back to drake she pressed it again she tossed two more of the pads to drake and kio

"after you design your new powers I shall create them"

Kamen Rider Dragoon 05/24/10 09:32 PM

"Design...our new powers? Hmmm...well this should be interesting. Lets see.." Kio then began to type into his phone. He worked very carefully to make sure not only was this new power effective but wasnt going to kill him in the process. He knew that if it overpowered his body he could die, just like the first weather dopant had.

Drakeonis 05/24/10 10:43 PM

Shroud typed into her pad "don't forget a memory vehicle" the revolgarry flew next to the hard mammother

drake instantly jumped up to the hardmammother "awesome i call dibs" he placed the heat memory into a slot on the hard mammother giving it a red color he punched into his phone creating a new upgrade

"hmm yes that might work"

Kamen Rider Dragoon 05/25/10 12:53 AM

kio sighed and look towards shroud. "Done shroud...now what?"

he didnt know how effective this new form would be or how much power it would grant him against any future attacks but he new for certain...this would be interesting. Most would think he would go for pure furosity like his gaia memory appeared to be at first glance but kio knew better. He knew that power needed to be tempered like steel. Besides...this new form would be alot of fun as well.

Drakeonis 05/25/10 07:05 PM

I've also finished sending shroud the data she typed into the pad

"I shall start right now" she dissapered leaving the black suitcase to which drake opened revealing the Luna and joker memory the frog pod and denden sensor and the trial memory

"what why are these here?"

Kamen Rider Dragoon 05/25/10 07:36 PM

Kio blinked and pulled out the Joker memory from the case. "I dont know...but i have always wanted to see this memory. Wow..so this was the main memory for Kamen rider double...cool! I think these might be needed in the future...i just wish i could utilize this memory. Well maybe someday. As for the gadgets think about it...we have dangerous opponents coming our way and these might be usefull. And...i think we may need to take the trial memory to Kamen rider Accel at the police station."

Kio kept looking over the joker memory. Ever since he first saw kamen rider double he always wondered what it looked like up close. It did look like a normal memory but it must have also been very powerfull to handle soo much power from Philip when he and shotaro henshin.

Drakeonis 05/26/10 12:10 AM

Drake tossed the Luna memory up and down before leung it into a memory slot to the side of his lost driver

"maybe we should hold onto them" he punched a code in and hardmammother retreated to the garage he the spider shock he then tossed the trial memory to kio

"let's head out"

Kamen Rider Dragoon 05/26/10 12:29 AM

Kio looked towards drake and then decided to place the joker memory into one of his empty slots on the side of his belt. He quickly caught the trial memory with one hand. "yeah..you had best go on ahead. I should stay here and look after Philip-sama and make sure that guy doesnt try anything."

Kio didnt want Drake to know his regular identity and figured this was a good way to learn some rider history from Philip if he was up to it.

Drakeonis 05/27/10 08:11 PM

"Alright see you in a bit" drake ride jumped onto to his bike and rode off to the police station he took out his heat memory and entered the police station holding a small black case which held the trial memory he walked to the front

"is ryuga izami here" the secretary looked at him

"no sorry" drake grumbled and put the case on the desk "could you deliver this to Lost walker please"

Kamen Rider Dragoon 05/27/10 08:30 PM

Kio sighed in relief and walked back into the detective agency, de-henshining. He was a bit surprised to see Philip sitting up reading his book. "Ah...good job out there Kio but you should have guessed i would have been fine alone so why didnt you go with Drake?"

"Oh ummm...well philip-sama its like this. See i dont want the other riders to know my identity. See if they dont know who i am...there is a chance i can use that to our advantage. say one of them was taken by a dopant and then forced to reveil the other rider's identities...they wont know mine and i can give aid without the enimy knowing."

"Some would call that cowardly."

"I call it strategy..besides i will let them know eventualy...just not yet."

"Of course...so what brings you here?"

"Well...earlier today.." Kio proceeded to tell Philip about the new weather dopant and what happened to the poor boy who died.

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