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Kimberly Hart 02/10/18 11:37 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Gwen takes the sword from the hold man and points it at him.

"Now let my friends go and get out of here!"

Kaoskid 02/10/18 01:46 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Merlin shrugs and vanishes in the same swirl of light he appeared in. "Teens." As he left, the others began to shift and move, slowly coming back to life from their state of suspended time.

Alec sat down beside Marlena. "I can understand. You do not want to become like them. Personally, I think your ability to look at and question your own motives and actions is a good step in preventing you from going dark side. Evil never second guesses itself. It is assured that it's way is right and everyone else is wrong."

Quantum Hunter 02/10/18 11:17 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"Alec is right. Your guilt and worry proves you're on the good side. Anyone can make a difference. It doesn't matter where you came from. To tell you the truth I have doubts about myself. I have no Camelot bloodline and am not that great of a fighter. But Alec and Strawn had my back in our first battle. And I was actually able to help in the end! I think we all just need to stick togethsr for this to work" said Benny.

Hexagon Ranger 02/11/18 09:32 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Strawn continues to battle Gwaine. But he proves to be a tough opponent. When he is finished he wonders if he can find Merlin to ask if their is a wieght room.

Kaoskid 02/11/18 02:56 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
In the dark castle, on an island far from the heroes, Morgana rose.

"So, the Old man has completed his team. But now they are far from each other. Scattered and Separated. Powers dark and powers bright, from the darkness where power lies. Make my fallen knight rise!"

Her powers flowed out, and two dark knights rose. One was red, with fangs like butter knives and carried a massive mace. The other was blue, with horns like a bull and carrying a sword as big as himself. In life, these were Sir Balin and Sir Bolin, heroes of Camelot. Now, they were Sir Broken and Sir Fallen.

"Broken, you take on the three in the quarry. Fallen, you destroy the Pink Ranger before she fully awakens."

The Red Monster-Knight teleported to the quarry and slowly stalked toward the three heroes talking. Slow enough for them to finish their conversation, but quick enough to be an active threat.

The Blue Monster-Knight appeared in front of the building Gwen was in. A swing of his sword blew out the windows and sent everyone flying

Hayley Oliver 02/11/18 04:14 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Gwen heard her friends strong words and realized they needed each other.

"Your're right guys. I'm going to make my own destiny. Morgana must be stopped"

Just then Gwen saw the nasty warrior and knew it was time to put her words to practice.

"Time to morph guys?"

Hexagon Ranger 02/11/18 04:22 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Strawn was doing push ups while he waited for the old man. He saw some commotion from the pool. But he didn't see his comrades under attack. Instead he saw a lone young woman with what looked like a Pink a version of his own sword. He saw a monster already attacking the area.

"Great while there wasting time with Marlena I have to save our new recruit myself".

"Break The Fate"

Strawn morphed into his blue armor and manned his steed to race to the girl's location. He appeared before the evil Knight.

" I pledge my might for courage! Blue Ranger! "

After readying his sword Strawn began to strike the monster.

Quantum Hunter 02/11/18 04:38 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Benny turned and to see the evil Knight and sighed.

"Well no point in running now. "

"Break The Fate!"

"I pledge my might for Honor! Green Knight Ranger! "

Benny ( now clad in his Green Ranger Costume) drew his sword and readied to fight the villian.

Hayley Oliver 02/11/18 04:47 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"Well here goes nothing!"

" Break The Fate! "

Marlena now stood clad in her Yellow Ranger Gear. She was still amazed at the power it gave her.

"I pledge my might for justice! Yellow Ranger! "

Marlena drew her sword for the first time and brushed back her nerves of this being the first of many battles.

Kimberly Hart 02/11/18 04:56 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Gwen was just explaining to her friends why she suddenly had a sword. Before she knew it she was blasted out of the restaurant and her friends hae run off. Now she saw a strange Knight monster battling the mysterious Blue Ranger. It lookee like the crazy old man was right.

Stacy stood up, while her first instinct was to run like her friends....She also felt she needed to do something. Pink Manacles suddenly appeared on her wrists and she became inspired.

"Break The Fate!"

Gwen Stacy was shocked as she now stod as the Pink Power Ranger.

"I pledge my might for wisdom! Pink Ranger!"

Gwen took the best fighting stance she could come up with her sword.

Kaoskid 02/11/18 05:16 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Alec smiled. " Let's take him down! Break the Fate!""

He morphed, red armor activating,

"I pledge my Might for Right. Red Knight Ranger!"

Sir Broken swung his mace into the ground. It began to shake and split, becoming a fissure that threatened to engulf the rangers

Quantum Hunter 02/12/18 11:16 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Benny started to lose his balance but was able to jump away before falling into the crevice just in time.

Hayley Oliver 02/12/18 11:17 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Marlena jumped over the crevice and locked her sword into the meelee weapon of the undead worrier.

Hexagon Ranger 02/12/18 11:20 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Hunk Strawn continued to battle the monster with his sword. He wondered if his new friend was ready for battle.

Kimberly Hart 02/14/18 03:57 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Gwen watched as the Blue Rangsr battled the evil Knight. Waiting to see what she should do.

Kaoskid 02/14/18 07:00 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Alec jumped and landed a kick on Sir Broken, knocking him back.

"Who are you?" he snarled.

"I am Sir Broken, pledged to Lady Morgana, to slay her enemies." He banged the mace once more, causing sonic vibrations.

Alec screamed in pain as around him rocks shattered.

Merlin's voice spoke in Gwen's mind. "Strawn is strong, but how will he defeat an opponent this strong without your help? Sir Fallen will destroy him if you do not interfere. Take up your sword. Say the words. Become a hero."

Kimberly Hart 02/14/18 07:39 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Gwen could hear the old man's voice. She was already morphed so she knew there was only one thing left. She took up her sword and attacked Sir Fallen along with Blue Ranger.

Hexagon Ranger 02/14/18 07:42 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Strawn was happy to see his new ally help.

Kaoskid 02/14/18 08:41 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Sir Fallen hissed in pain as the two rangers attacked. His armor was cracking. He slammed his fist into the sword.

Sonic vibrations shook the area. It messed with the equilibrium of the rangers.

Hexagon Ranger 02/15/18 04:05 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Strawn loses his footing and falls to the ground.

Kimberly Hart 02/15/18 04:36 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Gwen falls to the ground. Determined she feels her chest glowing and summons her Power Bow.

"This is amazing!"

She wastes no time and starts firing arrows at Sir Fallen.

Hexagon Ranger 02/15/18 04:39 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Strawn gets up and is impressed by the Pink Ranger's marksmanship. Wasting no time he summons his Lance and knocks Sir Fallen's weapon from his hands. He then strikes the evil soldier with the other side of his lance.

Quantum Hunter 02/15/18 04:46 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Benny helped Alec to his feet after Sir Broken's attack.

"Are you okay Alec?"

Hayley Oliver 02/15/18 04:58 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Marlena looks on Alec and is angry at what Sir Broken did to him. A powerful feeling flows through her as fire comes put of her hands . The fire shoots out at Sir Broken. Marlena de-morphs and collapses due to exhaustion.

Kaoskid 02/15/18 06:33 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Alec slowly rose. A copper taste was in his mouth, but he could not spit it out due to the helmet.

"Nice one, Marlena. You did awesome. I'm fine, Benny. Marlena should rest up. Benny, we need to get that weapon away from him." Alec snarled. His eyes were turning yellow under his helmet as the old rage began to burn.

Sir Fallen hisses in pain. The weapon was too far from him. His power was halved, and the combination of arrows and spear were affecting him. His combat style relied on close combat, and the two were keeping their distance. He roared into the sky.

Sir Broken fanned the flames, attempting to put them out. No luck. Whatever these flames were made of, they would not stop. If he had any fear left, he would be terrified. He roared like his brother, a roar of rage and pain.

Quantum Hunter 02/15/18 10:52 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Relieved Alec was okay, Benny summoned his axe. And Attacked Sir Broken while he seemed weakened.

"Alec, your up buddy!"

Hexagon Ranger 02/15/18 10:55 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Strawn was relieved that the enemy retreated. He turned to his new comrad and extended his hand.

"My name is Hunk Strawn. You must be a Camelot Ranger too. Sorry we had to meet like that. "

Kimberly Hart 02/15/18 10:57 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"Likewise. But I don't even know how I got into this mess".

Gwen shook her new friends hand

" Gwen Stacy"

Kaoskid 02/16/18 01:45 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Alec roared in anger and attacked. He came down with a blow to the head. The Wicked Knght's helmet was split in two.....and Alec's own blade cracked from the force.

Sir Fallen retreated, body dissolving into mist as Morgana's laughter filled the air.

Alec demorphed and collapsed. "Merlin, three to beam back."

"...I am not a transport system" The wizard sighed

Quantum Hunter 02/16/18 03:55 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"Could you at least send us Marlena's horse? She seems to have fainted?"

Luke Skywalker 02/16/18 04:11 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights

Morphers: Manacles on each arm

Morph Call: Break The Fate

Morph Sequence: Ranger crosses their arms. A chain of energy in their color appears on the manacles. They yell the morph call and uncross their arms, breaking the chains. They create the Rangers uniform on the body, patterned after the chainmail of knights.

Standard weapons: Knight Blades, a sword/blaster combo weapon

Transport: Knight Steeds. A mechanical horse in the ranger's color that can transform into a motorcycle. They are completely sentient and rangers can name them
White Ranger: Luke Solon, a descendant of Lancelot and Galahad. Luke is a young boy who is passionate about soccer, one of the star soccer players on the school team. He is also good in his studies, particularly gifted in Physics and Chemistry. He is blonde with crystal blue eyes. He is humble, decent, soft-spoken and is of a calm temperament, very difficult to anger. When he discovers his Ranger Powers, he should command the White Stag Zord, a swift multi-horned deer, and wield the longsword Secace.

Hayley Oliver 02/16/18 05:09 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Marlena wakes up. Feeling tired and guilty. As the power she tapped into felt dark.

"Is he gone?"

Hexagon Ranger 02/16/18 05:12 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"Nice to meet you Gwen"

"Would you like to share my horse and return to base? I am sure you have the same questions we had? "

Kimberly Hart 02/16/18 05:14 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"I guess nothing else wierder can happen to me today. So why not?"

Luke Skywalker 02/16/18 05:38 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Having scored the goal that had won the soccer match and saved his school a 0-0 tie just a minute before the game ended, Luke Solon triumphantly strolled out of the locker room having changed out of his playing kit, the ground's cheers fresh in his mind. Avoiding his team-mates so that they didn't drag him to a party (he was exhausted, at this point, and just wanted to go home), the young boy had exited the school grounds and was on his way home when he heard people running away from what could only be a fight scene.

Not the kind of guy to just ignore a situation like that, Luke made his way towards the scene only to come across... Power Rangers?... appearing to be battling some un-dead warriors knights. But it appeared he had arrived too late, for the party seemed to be unending, the Rangers having chased away their opponents.

Luke just observed the Rangers silently, from afar. 'Whoa,' he thought, as he glanced at their uniforms and weapons.

Kaoskid 02/16/18 05:58 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Alec nodded. "We scared it off for now. Whatever you did messed him up." Alec tapped Wildfire. "Merlin, now what?"

".....You could go to class. I am sure you are late."

"....Oh, yeah. That." Alec sighed.

Hayley Oliver 02/16/18 06:47 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Marlena decides to go home as she is too troubled to go to School.

Quantum Hunter 02/16/18 06:49 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Benny sends his Steed back to base and decides to follow Marlena. He wants to make sure she is okay and feels something is bothering her.

Hexagon Ranger 02/16/18 06:53 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Strawn nods to Gwen and leads her onto his steed. He then rides them both back to base where they report back to Merlin.

"Well Merlin we ran into some trouble, but I found our new recruit. "

Kimberly Hart 02/16/18 06:55 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"I guess you weren't such a creepy guy after all. Can you explain just what i got myself into?"

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