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Captain Codfish 10/14/17 09:39 PM

Re: Forever Red
So much time had passed its not unbelievable to assume the powered down Rangers had enough time to get their powers back off screen. Amit even had some ideas to how himself. But the possibilities were really endless.

Guardian Ranger 10/14/17 09:41 PM

Re: Forever Red
It would have been nice to have a second part. But I thought rhe episode waamvery goos. Even with a few continuity issues.

Zabitan 10/14/17 09:47 PM

Re: Forever Red
I liked it just as an excuse to watch a really cool fight scene.

I just thought how they defeated Serpentera was anti climatic.

I got a kick out of the bad guys being Beetle Borgs but I always wished they could have had other villain groups like Divatox's space pirates, Scorpius' minions, and Bansheera's Demons, and Time Force's mutants represented.

Goldar's Revenge 10/14/17 10:13 PM

Re: Forever Red
Amit originally wanted a cult trying to resurrect Dark Spector. But Tzachor wantes him to use the beatleborg suits, wince they were already there to use. Not even realizing that they were the Beatleborg suits.

Bandai funded the final battle and only stipulated that the Wild Rider be promoted in the scene. The episode would have not been finished without the funding. There was no money left for MMPR Productions to do its own Zord battle , let alone a massive Megazord battle.

Zabitan 10/14/17 10:20 PM

Re: Forever Red
Oh yeah I remember that it would have been cool.

Then again I always joke about them using the Battle Grid suits from VR Troopers in Power Ranger back when they still had those suits.

VR Master 10/14/17 10:21 PM

Re: Forever Red
That would have been interesting.

VR Forever 10/14/17 10:22 PM

Re: Forever Red
I wish the VR Troopers usee the battle grid suits and endee up being a Ranger team.

Forever Pink 10/14/17 10:25 PM

Re: Forever Red
I am surprised there was never a team up of VT and PR. Maybe rhey could have used the battle grid suits there?

VR Master 10/14/17 10:26 PM

Re: Forever Red
That would have a great idea actually. I guess it can only happen in fan fiction now.

MattEmily 10/15/17 05:32 AM

Re: Forever Red

Originally Posted by Forever Lame (Post 67448)
I think Forever Red was stupid! It just didn't have no time. And it violated continuity. Jason, TJ, and Tommy shouldn't have had their powers. Jason actes way out of character. He was never a bully. Lightspeed Rescue was disbanded so Carter should have been independent. They made this mistake in the TF team up too, to be fair. The Wild Force Rider should never habe been able to take out Serpenterra. Which was never left buried on the moon. And since when do we have Machine Empire Generals?

False it did nothing to violate continuity.
Fact 1: The Dino Coins and Tommy's Tiger Coin were only damaged when their zords were destroyed.
Fact 2: The Ninja Coins were the only coins that got destroyed
Fact 3: the Zeo powers were never destroyed.
Fact 4: The Turbo powers were never destroyed. First of all they lost their powers when Eltar was conquered.
Fact 5: Second of all much like Justin did with his Storm Blaster it's also possible TJ could've used Lightning Cruiser to morph even if Eltar was still in bad shape at the time.

I do have to agree with you about Jason.
Incorrect about Lightspeed Rescue it was never stated that the organization itself was disbanded yes the group went their separate ways but they still carried their Morphers with them in case they were needed.

I wasn't happy about the Rider destroying Serpentera either but you do have to keep in mind of who gave it to Cole.
Who gave it to him?
Yes that's right Animus who was essentially a God.

Just because we didn't see it didn't mean Serpentera couldn't have gotten buried on the Moon I mean how else would you expect Rita, Zedd and Finster to come back from the M51 Galaxy? Don't forget that they left in Serpentera so they would've needed to take it back to the Moon.


Originally Posted by KimandTommy (Post 67450)
It was fun seeing Tommy and Jason. I agree that Jason acted a little out of characrer and should have been nicer to Cole. It would have been a better episode if it was the MMPR Rangers teaming up with the Wild Force team. Especially if Kat was the villian.

It was definitely nice seeing Tommy and Jason but I agree that Jason was acting out of character. Don't start that MMPR-obsessed and "I-hate-Kat" stuff that you do it's getting old.


Originally Posted by Space Seasons (Post 67452)
The episode was great! They just should have had Andros lead instead of Tommy. The mission was in outer space. And even TJ had more experience as a Space Ranger than Tommy ever had. But it wasn't a big deal.

yea I would agree if it was a space mission but technically they were just flying to the Moon which isn't a big deal.


Originally Posted by Goldar's Revenge (Post 67483)
Amit originally wanted a cult trying to resurrect Dark Spector. But Tzachor wantes him to use the beatleborg suits, wince they were already there to use. Not even realizing that they were the Beatleborg suits.

Bandai funded the final battle and only stipulated that the Wild Rider be promoted in the scene. The episode would have not been finished without the funding. There was no money left for MMPR Productions to do its own Zord battle , let alone a massive Megazord battle.

Not quite. Yes about Dark Specter but Tzachor had nothing to do with using the Beetleborgs suits I know people like to blame him for everything since generally he's the 1 at fault for such stuff happening but it was actually Koichi himself who had wanted to use the suits.

Also the part about Bandai funding it is true but actually the whole story is that Disney didn't even want to pay for it and no it's not because "they're cheap" as Maligore likes to cheap out in every single post BUT it's actually because they saw no point in paying for such a teamup episode in which most of the Rangers would've had no figures to make money off of.

Zabitan 10/15/17 02:27 PM

Re: Forever Red
I always thought that was weird since they bring back old toys all the time even if they repainted them like when Ninjor became Ninjak in the Ninja Storm toyline.

That and I remember them already having a separate line for old toys from the previous seasons.

If anything I think a special Forever Red toyline would have been awesome

MattEmily 10/15/17 08:37 PM

Re: Forever Red

Originally Posted by Zabitan (Post 67513)
I always thought that was weird since they bring back old toys all the time even if they repainted them like when Ninjor became Ninjak in the Ninja Storm toyline.

That and I remember them already having a separate line for old toys from the previous seasons.

If anything I think a special Forever Red toyline would have been awesome

yea it's a bad excuse but that is what they wanted to go with but you're definitely right about Bandai bringing old figures back all of the time but just because they did it or didn't do it didn't mean much since Bandai was a separate company so they don't tell the Power Rangers crew what they're doing unless it involves a toy that they want on the show.

Goldar's Revenge 10/15/17 09:00 PM

Re: Forever Red
Your right about Koichi being behind the suits. I don't know why I thought Tzachor?

MattEmily 10/16/17 12:46 PM

Re: Forever Red

Originally Posted by Goldar's Revenge (Post 67515)
Your right about Koichi being behind the suitss. I don't know why I thought Tzachor?

because he's to blame about anything and everything?

MattEmily 10/16/17 12:47 PM

Re: Forever Red

Originally Posted by Zeo Power (Post 67449)
I wish Tommy would have brought back the Zeo Megazord or something like that.

me too but they never had the Ohranger mecha suits and even if they did they wouldn't have been able to use them due to how old they are.

Maligore 10/16/17 03:47 PM

Re: Forever Red
They should have spent they money and rebuilt all the megazord suits from scratch. When they didn't, I knew Disney was going to be just as cheap as Saban.

Forever Lame 10/16/17 03:49 PM

Re: Forever Red
The Wild Rider fiasco may not have ruined the entire episode if it wasn't for the other crap.

MattEmily 10/16/17 04:06 PM

Re: Forever Red

Originally Posted by Maligore (Post 67525)
They should have spent they money and rebuilt all the megazord suits from scratch. When they didn't, I knew Disney was going to be just as cheap as Saban.

to be fair we don't know what zords would've needed to be re-created on top of which that wasn't something Power Rangers did they would've needed to pay Toei to re-create the suits and here you go with your cheap bird routine. Disney is so cheap that they did 3 teamups, they allowed the use of Saban music in Dino Thunder even though they would've needed to pay for it, they had a huge cast in multiple seasons AND they had no issues with what the crew wanted to do for Fighting Spirit even though they weren't getting any money for it.


Originally Posted by Forever Lame (Post 67526)
The Wild Rider fiasco may not have ruined the entire episode if it wasn't for the other crap.

I disagree the Rider destroying Serpentera is what damaged the ep for me not just that but Serpentera itself since the CGI was just beyond bad.

Forever Lame 10/16/17 04:14 PM

Re: Forever Red
Yes the CGi was terrible! How isn't FR a bad episode?

Inner Senshi 10/16/17 04:16 PM

Re: Forever Red
I disagree! The episode was awesome! Especially with how we got to see pur old favorites again!I thought it was funny how Jason treated Cole like a rookie.

Ranger Onyx 10/16/17 04:17 PM

Re: Forever Red
Not this again!

Captain Codfish 10/16/17 04:23 PM

Re: Forever Red
I'll debate "Forever Red" all day. Its such an interesting and fun episode. I find Amit's backstory for Jason to be interesting . As well as the backstory for certain Rangers getting their powers. It all makes perfect sense. The only mess up with the Wild Rider is that they didn't use it against Master Org . It was powerful necause Animius made it.

Reinforcements From The Failures 10/16/17 04:28 PM

Re: Forever Red
Thank you OP! This is such an overrated episode. Glad someone pointed its serious flaws. I am going to make another about another overrated episode the same season.

MMPR Fan 10/16/17 09:34 PM

Re: Forever Red
I saw the episode on netflix. Jason and Tommy didn't feel the same. And I could care less about the other Rangers. I did like Bulk and Skull.

MMPR Fan 10/16/17 09:50 PM

Re: [FOREVER RED]All Red Power Rangers of all seasons features in one Video!
Jason is the only Red for me. Tommy as Red doesn't work. He should only be Green Ranger.

Green With Envy 10/16/17 10:08 PM

Re: Forever Red
Jason was out of character. But evertything else about the episode was perfect and was a fiiting tribute to the first ten seasons. I did like seeing Jason and Tommy reunited.

Super Cena 10/16/17 10:13 PM

Re: Forever Red
I don't buy Jason getting his powers back from an obscure comic book villain. I do think its possibly Jason and the others vowt their powers back in the hears between their exists and the team up. TJ's is easy with Justin in the Space team up. And we never knew what happened to the Zeo Powers.

Fanboy Supreme 10/16/17 10:43 PM

Re: Forever Red
"Forever Red" is awesome! I have the final word. Now close this thread.

Falconzord Commander 10/16/17 11:14 PM

Re: Forever Red
The episode is very good. The only real complaint I have has to do with the Wild Rider saving the day. I don't buy the excuse that Amit made it.

PRangerX 10/16/17 11:19 PM

Re: [FOREVER RED]All Red Power Rangers of all seasons features in one Video!
I merged the two "Forever Red" threads into one.

Dino Ranger Knight 10/16/17 11:28 PM

Re: [FOREVER RED]All Red Power Rangers of all seasons features in one Video!
It was a rushed episode that endes up being a disappointment. It was fanwank anyway.

MattEmily 10/17/17 01:23 PM

Re: [FOREVER RED]All Red Power Rangers of all seasons features in one Video!

Originally Posted by PRangerX (Post 67606)
I merged the two "Forever Red" threads into one.

I was wondering what happened and how it got to be so big LOL

Shadowhawk 10/19/17 08:07 PM

Re: [FOREVER RED]All Red Power Rangers of all seasons features in one Video!
Forever Red was great. The backstory really makes a lot of sense. Its amazing how they were able to fit in so much to a 20 minute episode. It was awesome seeing my old favorites. I am not going to complain about having them back. Leaving out Jason, Tommy, and TJ wouldn't have made sense.

Rangerlord 10/19/17 08:11 PM

Re: [FOREVER RED]All Red Power Rangers of all seasons features in one Video!
The problem is that they should have added more backstory. Amit's explanations after the fact are lazy to me. Plus I don't count anything off screen as canon. That said, I enjoyed the episode for what it was. But lets not ignore its issues. It had major continuity issues that are hard for long time fans to ignore. They did a better job here than "Once A Ranger" though.

No Green Spandex 10/19/17 08:15 PM

Re: [FOREVER RED]All Red Power Rangers of all seasons features in one Video!
I think the writer of the episode is allowed to say backstory after the fact. They are the ones that wrote the episode. Plus Amit was in charge of the whole writing staff. It waa a good episode. Good enough to stomach the un-wanted return of Tommy Oliver .

Goldar's Revenge 10/19/17 08:28 PM

Re: [FOREVER RED]All Red Power Rangers of all seasons features in one Video!
"Forever Red" was a 20 minute speciao to celebrate the ten years or the shows history. It was never meant to answer fanon questions. Nor did it really have the time.

Time Force Omega 10/20/17 09:02 PM

Re: [FOREVER RED]All Red Power Rangers of all seasons features in one Video!
I won't say it was bad. But I really didn't care for anyone except Wes and Eric. It waa nice to get more of them.

Captain Codfish 10/20/17 09:27 PM

Re: [FOREVER RED]All Red Power Rangers of all seasons features in one Video!
The inconsistencies don't bother me...Because there are plenty of theories as to what could have happened off screen. The episode did a remarkable job of cramming in every former Ranger and giving most of them something to do. And the storyline plays off or the show's history. Even if you don't count " Rain".

Quantum Hunter 10/20/17 09:37 PM

Re: [FOREVER RED]All Red Power Rangers of all seasons features in one Video!
I thought it was really cool how they includee Eric. Who always felr like another Red to me.

MattEmily 10/20/17 10:56 PM

Re: [FOREVER RED]All Red Power Rangers of all seasons features in one Video!

Originally Posted by No Green Spandex (Post 67638)
I think the writer of the episode is allowed to say backstory after the fact. They are the ones that wrote the episode. Plus Amit was in charge of the whole writing staff. It waa a good episode. Good enough to stomach the un-wanted return of Tommy Oliver .

yes they are allowed to the problem is that it doesn't count unless it was stated on-screen. Amit was never in charge of the whole writing Staff.

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