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Zarkenor 04/27/10 10:46 PM

Pheonix woke up in a bed, realizing that thsi wasn't a dream at the least, he got up and wondered why was he here,

I've gotta gather clues for this case, I guess I better go out....

He noticed a weird object in his coat pocket, he took it out, the object was the Advent Deck, not knowing what it does at the moment, he stuffed it into his pocket and ran out the door.

Ignis 04/28/10 12:51 PM

Suddenly, Nick was attacked by security guards.

"Chain!" He yelled. "Don't tase me bro!"

His deck glowed, trying to tell him to henshin. Unfortunately, this made it more visible. The guards noticed it and took it from him.

"Hey give that back!" Nick yelled.

Gankun 05/04/10 08:25 PM

Odin turned to Daisuke. He shook his head no slightly and closed his visor once again. "TIME VENT" The group were placed back into the present with Odin leaving them. As the image of the past faded away one of the advent decks on the ground started to glow and a man stepped out a the mirror. He was tall but his face couldn't be seen. He had on a large over coat.

Satoshi looked around as they were back in the present. "Who was that guy? Odin who was that guy. How did he..." Odin wasn't there as Satoshi turned around. Satoshi turned to the other Riders. "Well see you in a few days. That's when the real battle begins. Until then I'm going to figure out who that man was."

Kamen Rider Dragoon 05/04/10 11:00 PM

Daiske blinked at the visage of the tall person in the coat. When the image faded he rubbed his chin and sighed. "Puzzling...but now i know more than before."

He then turned away from the others and was walking outside as the gaurds were about to take away another rider. Daiske saw the glowing advent deck in his pocket and taped the two officers' shoulders. "Let him go fellas. You are not permitted to interfere with those chosen for the rider battle, wich he is part of."

Daiske then walked out of the building just as the two men let Nick go with an appology.

Drakeonis 05/04/10 11:07 PM

Drake still consfused even more so now that the man innthe coat appered and dissapered he turned to see daiske and satoshi gone leaving him and Nick in the room he gave a look at Nick said hi and walked out of the building and rode off on his bike thinkng the same thought over and over again

"what where they thinking in that lab"

Ignis 05/05/10 04:44 PM

Nick clumsily got back up on his feet.

"Wait guys! Where did you come from!?"

He picked up his deck, put it back in his pocket, ran outside, and chased after them on his motorcycle.

Kamen Rider Dragoon 05/23/10 05:45 PM

Daiske looked to Nick and raised a brow. "Were we came from? I guess from the past. Odin appeared and thats all you need to know."

With that he kept walking, the hem of his jacket flowing gently behind with each step. As he walked past reflective surfaces on his right, DragonBlacker would be seen keeping a watchfull eye on his rider wich Daiske didnt mind. He knew if his dragon could speak it would tell him much more about this case than odin had. Daiske was still undecided on the woman's fate but knew now that there was something more to it...something he would dig up even if he had to vent Kamen Rider Odin himself.

Ignis 05/23/10 10:10 PM

Nick got up on his feet and ran after Daisuke with his arm reached out, not wanting to be late again.

"Hold up! I'm coming!"

He had a feeling he was not wanted, but kept it to himself.

Kamen Rider Dragoon 05/25/10 07:52 PM

Daiske looked back towards Nick and sighed. "Why are you fallowing me? Shouldnt you be prepareing for the rider battle? Its only a few days away."

Daiske wasnt the kind to have people fallow him...and that fact grew greater when he became a rider. He was a bit of a loner.

Ignis 05/25/10 11:42 PM

"Okay, fine!" Nick walked back into the building. "Suit yourself..."

He didn't really know how to prepare, other than to fight actual mirror monsters, but he felt it unwise to disturb those lying dormant in the lab.

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