View Full Version : Andros and Ashley

Astro Omega
02/10/18, 11:48 AM
Do you think they are still together?

02/10/18, 12:49 PM
I'd like to think so but I doubt it he was too into exploring space

Inner Senshi
02/10/18, 10:31 PM
I think they are married. They can explore Space together.

Astro Omega
02/10/18, 10:32 PM
I have my doubts too. Since Andros seems to be working on his own at the beginning pf the Galaxy Team Up. And once again in Forever Red.

Space Crazy
02/10/18, 10:34 PM
Its likely that Andros' duties in Space and Ashleu's home being Earth got in the way of their relationship. I think they were happy for a time. But decided to let each other go. Much like how Tommy and Kim ended. Without the Dear John Stuff.

Massive Ego
02/10/18, 10:57 PM
They were both young. So its not like they necessarily were going to end up married. Ashley liked Carlos at one point. So things can change. Its not like Andros was really used to being in a relationship anyway.

Starlight Starbrite
02/10/18, 11:07 PM
There is no reason why they couldn't still be together. It was never said Andros didn't still hang out with the old Space Rangers.

02/10/18, 11:12 PM
There is no reason why they couldn't still be together. It was never said Andros didn't still hang out with the old Space Rangers.

true but we never saw him with Zhane and to add to that it was Alpha who contacted the others back in Galaxy

Quantum Hunter
02/10/18, 11:19 PM
I think they were together for a long time. Who knlws of they ever got married. Andros was always a loner.

Hexagon Ranger
02/11/18, 09:34 AM
Andros was kept very busy with his Hexagon Duties and likely became a key figure in SPD. Ashley probably became Turbo Yellow again at some point. I think they decided to be just friends by that point.

02/11/18, 09:49 AM
Yes they are married and have children. They freauently hang around with Tommy and Kim. Tommy and Andros support each other after they realize they were both fooled by Kat and Karone. Kimberly and Ashley are now really good friends. They have a lot in common.

MMPR Forever
02/11/18, 10:03 AM
I think Ashley dumped Andros whe he refused to believed Karone was still evil.

02/11/18, 12:32 PM
I would like to think they are together but it did seem like Andros went out on his own again. But then Again I believe Tommy and Kat end up married...And there was no evidence they were still together either.

Time Force Traitor
02/11/18, 01:29 PM
PR seems to love to break up couples.

Starlight Starbrite
02/11/18, 01:39 PM
I think they are still together. We just haven't seen them on screen at the same rime.

Calamity Kimberly
02/11/18, 01:57 PM
I could see them being married by now.