View Full Version : Power Rangers shirt

01/08/18, 12:07 AM
I came across this shirt awhile ago https://scontent-ort2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-12/cp0/e15/q65/p720x720/26696192_10155327996108099_24254214_n.jpg?_nc_ad=z-m&_nc_cid=0&oh=5578e28e819b3c1478cc5c3572175ff0&oe=5A551C40
and while I don't remember if it's an official product or not I thought it was interesting but I can't recognize everyone so maybe you can assist?

1st row = Goldar, Divatox, Psycho Blue, Koragg, Psycho Red
2nd row = ?, Lord Zedd, ?, Dai Shi, my guess is probably Scorpina
3rd row = Snide, Lothor, Rito, ?, Ransik
4th row = Gruumm, ?, ?, Snide, Puttty
5th row = Diabolico, A-Squad, ?, Mesogog, ?
6th row = Ecliptor, Astronema, my best guess is Thrax, wasn't sure here but someone thought Trakeena, Jindrax
7th and final row = King Mondo, ?, Rita

read it left-to-right and ? notes that I'm not sure who the design represents.

01/08/18, 10:14 AM
I see Rita, Zedd , Goldar, and some of the Psychos.

01/08/18, 01:14 PM
Thats an interesting shirt.

Lunarwolf Landing
01/08/18, 05:20 PM
Thats a pretty ambitious design.

Changeman Returns
01/08/18, 08:24 PM
I wksh there was a Sentai shirt like that.

Gosei Gold
01/08/18, 08:56 PM
I would love a Zeo Theme shirt like that.

Falconzord Commander
01/08/18, 09:16 PM
Its harder to identify everyone than you think.

01/08/18, 09:19 PM
Its harder to identify everyone than you think.

tell me about it I've been trying to and it's giving me a headache from it.