View Full Version : Re-do a Power Rangers Season - Zeo

12/16/15, 09:12 PM

03/28/16, 02:38 PM
I would start Zeo with a Zeoquest television movie. Then, in the first regular episode of Zeo, the Machine Empire attack. When it's time for Trey to give his Gold Ranger power, it is Billy who get it. Then, I would end the series with all the Zeo Rangers losing their powers because their human bodies couldn't hold it any longer. It will also be the reason Trey turn the rangers into giants in the last episode. He wanted them to be able to defeat the final giant before losing their powers. No villains from previous Power Rangers series in my version of Zeo. ;)

MMPR Forever
04/04/16, 08:01 AM
I would have just done MMPR season 4. They could have used the Zeo powers and kept the same suits like they did in season 3. The Zeo Zords would still fit. New cockpit footage would just have to be done.

04/04/16, 08:03 AM
I would have had Kat be revealed as a villain and Kim return to retake her powers.

04/04/16, 11:08 AM
I would have just done MMPR season 4. They could have used the Zeo powers and kept the same suits like they did in season 3. The Zeo Zords would still fit. New cockpit footage would just have to be done.

The zords wouldn't have fit since there were 2 Green Zeozords and no Black zords.

04/25/16, 02:42 PM
Zordon is are presumed dead. The Machine Empire invades. Zedd is separated from Rita. He is forced to ally with the Rangers. They find athe hidden Power Chamber. Zedd rebuild the structure and connect the Zeo powers to the Morphing Grid. The Rangers are forced to work for Zedd to fight off the Machine Empire.

04/26/16, 07:36 AM
I actually had some wierd idea at the time that Kat would end up being the Machine Queens. So for fun I could addd that aspect. The Machine Empire would probably be like the borg here and tdy to assimilate people.

04/26/16, 07:37 AM
I like that idea. Kat was truely evil and would have made a great villian.

Usagi Reborn
04/26/16, 07:39 AM
This reminds me of that bad Zeo fan Fic where Kat ended up being Zedd's daughter and was evil for no reason.

04/26/16, 08:06 AM
I never wanted Kat to be evil. I was actually terrified of it back then. Hey I was 14 years lol lol. I I just added that for fun.

MMPR Forever
10/07/16, 12:21 PM
I got more ideas of what to do.

After the Command Center blows up, Kat would turn on the Rangers and steal the Zeo Crystal. But if would have no energy left as Zordon used the power to make new power coins. The Rangers could morph once again but in their MMPR costumes. as this would be MMPR season 4.

Zedd and Rita would need to recharge the Zeo Crystal. Kat would work for them as their henchwoman. They would hire Louie Kaboom for his machines. The Rangers would get new Zeo Zords.

10/07/16, 09:21 PM
I like the idea. Especially with Kat being openly evil.

Omega Black
10/07/16, 09:57 PM
I don't think you have to change much. I would have let Jason keep his powers till the end. Also I would have had a resoultion to all the cliffhangers.

No Green Spandex
10/08/16, 06:16 PM
I would have made Billy blue and Rocky the butler!

Super Cena
10/08/16, 06:17 PM
Billy definitely got the shaft in Zeo. He should never have been taking off the team. Its a shame there was no way of having a male yellow.

MMPR Forever
10/08/16, 06:18 PM
Thats one of the first things that turned me off from Zeo. Billy is definitely a Ranger in my version. Especially since they use MMPR costumes and Kat is off the team.

A Gia To Remember
10/08/16, 06:21 PM
Maybe they Will do a Zeo movie if MMPR is successful successful.

Captain Mutiny
10/09/16, 06:31 PM
Just because some of you guys don't like a character doesn't mean they have to be evil. If you don't like Kat fine, but why is she evil? We already saw on the show how she broke her Rita's Spell to save Kim. And after that there was no evidence to show Kat was faking. She even was willing to give up any chance at Tommy when he had a shot at Heather? He was the only that asked her out first anyway.

10/09/16, 06:34 PM
I like the idea of Zeo being MMPR season 4. I would have liked it better if Billy remained a Ranger. Also I wish Aisah didn't leave and Tonya was just a one off guest star in the MMPR Season 3 episode. I liked both Kim and Kat. So I don't think either were evil. Kat was just under an evil spell. I guess anyone can make Kat evil in their own story lines. Doesn't mean its in continuity.

10/09/16, 06:37 PM
Rita's spell didn't make Kat like Tommy. She wanted to have Tommy from herself because of her real feelings. She never got her just do on the show for that. And like you said, we can say she is anything we want in our own versions. But I say she really was evil in the real show. Even if they never said it out write.

Power Sentai
10/12/16, 11:48 PM
Rita's spell made Kat act evil. She had feelings for Tommy and the evil spell caused her to do evil things. Once she broke the spell she was loyal to Kim and Tommy.

Kimmy Repulsa
10/12/16, 11:51 PM
The Rangers should have defeated Rita and Zedd in the beginning instead of just having them run away.

White Tiger Fan
10/13/16, 11:06 AM
They diffinitly needed a big finale. Thats why I liked "Scorpion Rain" so much.

No Green Spandex
10/13/16, 11:07 AM
Whats a Scorpion Rain?

White Tiger Fan
10/13/16, 11:11 AM
Its a fan film, Amit Bhaumik did with Derik Smith and others. Which featured Tommy and Kat battling Superenterra in Zeo Zord V. It was done with action figures and was meant to be a a finale for Zeo. They played a prank where they acted like it was an Austrilian only finale for Zeo.

When Amit went to work for the show he used elements from "Scorpion Rain" for "Forever Red's" backstory.

No Green Spandex
10/13/16, 11:13 AM
Yeah I know. I was just kidding around. Although I like to pretend I don't know. Since we already have enough instances on the show of Tommy being the hero. We don't need more Tommy hero fanon.

Goldar's Revenge
10/13/16, 11:15 AM
The funny part is that several years ago someone released their own version of "Rain" on youtube. And some of the original fan film members thought the new version was better.

MMPR White
10/14/16, 11:37 AM
Zeo was perfect. I would have just kept Jason as Gold at the end. Or just do Zeo Season 2.

Zeo Power
10/14/16, 09:29 PM
I wouldn't change anything until the end. Zeo would have been perfect if it had a better finalie.