View Full Version : What if Divatox didn't find the Power Chamber?

alpha 64
12/08/14, 03:59 PM
I was thinking about it, and the Power Chamber's destruction may have been the greatest break the Power Rangers ever got. Because if Divatox hadn't been at the Power Chamber's ruins when she received the message from Dark Specter, then the rangers would never have learned of Zordon's capture. They would have never tried to go into space, and just assumed that Divatox got tired of fighting and left. Then Andros would have been captured during his return-trip to KO-35, and then the universe would have been doomed (Since the Gold Ranger, Blue Senturion, and the Alien Rangers were shown to be defeated by Dark Spectre's army, and we can assume that the Turbo Rangers would also be defeated). So, thoughts?

12/08/14, 04:00 PM
The Turbo Rangers wouldn't have even fought. Despite their shredded suits and destroyed helmets, they remained morphed after the explosion. It was only after Divatox left that they emerged and the power disappeared... they lost their powers because of Eltar's capture combined with the fact that the zords, which would've acted as a backup (don't forget how the MMPR were originally destroyed in Ninja Quest), were destroyed. So they'd still lose their powers if the Power Chamber wasn't destroyed. More than likely, TJ would've sought out Tommy, who would've realised what had happened. Justin already knew about NASADA.

Gosei Awesome2
12/08/14, 04:04 PM
PRiS takes place pretty much the same except the Turbo Rangers become the Zeo Rangers because that crystal is hanging around unused when the Turbo powers **** the bed. Also, instead of Star Trekking across the universe, they just teleport to other planets. The Power Chamber, after all, is still around in this scenario..

12/08/14, 04:12 PM
PRiS takes place pretty much the same except the Turbo Rangers become the Zeo Rangers because that crystal is hanging around unused when the Turbo powers **** the bed. Also, instead of Star Trekking across the universe, they just teleport to other planets. The Power Chamber, after all, is still around in this scenario..

That's pretty much how I imagine it. No Andros and it's the new Zeo Rangers that save Zordon, who doesn't get destroyed, but T.J. finds a device with a little help from the Lightining Cruiser and Storm Blaster. Once they activate the device, it's pretty much the same C2D scenario for the evil forces. Then, Zordon and Alpha 6 finally leave for their home planets and the series is ended. Unless Lost Galaxy and every other season still happens, except no PRiS/PRLG team-up episode as it would be Zeo2/PRLG team-up episode and of course, there's no Red Space Ranger in Forever Red or any Space Rangers in Super Megaforce.

12/10/14, 11:36 PM
The Rangers would still learn about Zordon's capture at some point. I suspect they'd worry about Dimitria and how she was fairing. They probably would have gotten restless and went into Space to make a difference. They still would have lost their powers with Eltar's capture. But I could still see them meeting up with Andros. After all it was all part of "Zordon's Master Plan".

02/18/15, 02:13 PM
you know it's funny how they were so concerned about Zordon but they never ever thought about how Dimitria or the Blue Senturion were doing after they went to Eltar.

Spike Hart
02/20/15, 09:56 PM
Maybe the writers just wanted to forget about her? She wasn't that interesting truthfully.

Lightspeed Zeo
02/20/15, 10:11 PM
The Rangers would have waited for Dimitria to return. But would have had to defend the Earth from the UAE during "Countdown To Destruction". Its possible that the Turbo's would have failed without their experiences in Space with Andros and without the former Red Ranger himself. Andros would have probably gotten himself killed without the Turbos helping him.

A Gia To Remember
02/22/15, 01:32 PM
The Rangers would never have lost their Turbo Powers. Andros would have recruited four teens from Earth to become Space Rangers. The two teams would team up to fight Dark Spector.

Khan's Wrath
02/22/15, 01:37 PM
Divatox would have stayed on Earth until she defeated the Turbo Rangers. Astronema would have been sent to destroy her for not listening to Dark Spector. The turbos would have lost their powers after Eltar fell. Andros would have ended up on Earth and would be forced to make them Space Rangers.

Gosei Gold
03/03/15, 05:04 PM
The real question was why she didn't know the location of the chamber when Rita , Zedd , and the Machines always knew.

Delta Black
03/03/15, 05:08 PM
Divatox didn't have the same intel or powers of the past villains. She had no reason to know where the Rangers were based. And the Rangers had no problem not telling her. Divatox's scope was only able to follow the Rangers when they were outside the Power Chamber aparently.

Massive Ego
03/03/15, 05:11 PM
Divatox was a moron who probably couldn't find her own shadow. Thank goodness we got a real villain with Astronema the next year. We didn't get another completely stupid big bad until Ninja Storm. But thats a whole nother story.

11/14/17, 01:35 AM
The Rangers would never have lost their Turbo Powers. Andros would have recruited four teens from Earth to become Space Rangers. The two teams would team up to fight Dark Spector.

not true much like Digifiend said the Power Chamber's destruction was NOT what resulted in them losing their powers it was more the fact that Dark Specter had conquered Eltar which is what caused them to lose their powers. They were still morphed-but-helmetless far too long after the Power Chamber's destruction which means it had nothing to do with them losing their powers they would've demorphed within seconds of the explosions if their base was tied to their powers but it wasn't so what Justin had said earlier in the Turbo finale was the truth - that the source of the Turbo powers was indeed Eltar itself and nowhere on Earth

Putty On The Brain
11/14/17, 09:38 PM
I always assume tj and justin just got their powers back later on.

No Green Spandex
11/15/17, 11:42 AM
Rita and Zedd were both connected to the morphing grid. They could sense where Zordon was hiding. Divatox was not connected to the grid. The machines used technology to find the Power Chamber. Divatox used her bumbling henchmen.

Racecar Ronny
11/20/17, 11:46 AM
I think the same thing would have happened. The Rangers probably would have teleported to Eltar and meant Andros later. They would have had their Turbo Powers too.

Pretty Kimmy
11/20/17, 11:51 AM
I think the Turbos would have defend Earth without Andros. If Justin left a new Blue Ranger would have been recruited.

Zeo Power
11/20/17, 11:54 AM
Once Eltar feel and the Turbo Powers were shutdown, Tommy would have returned to give the Rangers then old Zeo Powers. TJ would have become Zeo Blue.

Pretty Kimmy
11/20/17, 12:10 PM
Divatox didn't have the same intel or powers of the past villains. She had no reason to know where the Rangers were based. And the Rangers had no problem not telling her. Divatox's scope was only able to follow the Rangers when they were outside the Power Chamber aparently.

Divatox was supposed to be funny I loved her character.

Mastadon Ranger
11/20/17, 01:07 PM
Divatox was supposed to be funny I loved her character.

She was the most fun villian we had until Lothor.

Lord Drakkon
11/20/17, 01:18 PM
I prefer the more serious villians.

Chef Mia
11/20/17, 07:02 PM
She was pretty funny.

Psycho Silver
11/25/17, 09:01 PM
The universe may have been in deep trouble. I don't think the Trubo's or Andros wouldnhave been able to win without coming together as one team.

11/26/17, 11:33 AM
Then the show would have had to find another way for the Turbo Rangers to lose their powers, and meet Andros so they could become the Space Rangers.

11/26/17, 12:10 PM
Then the show would have had to find another way for the Turbo Rangers to lose their powers, and meet Andros so they could become the Space Rangers.

yes and no. The Rangers would've lost their powers regardless since they were tied to Eltar itself and not the Power Chamber.

Red Eagle Ranger
11/26/17, 05:37 PM
This never made any sense to me. She should have known exactly where the Power Chamber was. She had that periscope that could spy on anything.And no villian ever had trouble finding the Command Center/Power Chamber. It was getting in that was the problem.

11/26/17, 05:51 PM
This never made any sense to me. She should have known exactly where the Power Chamber was. She had that periscope that could spy on anything.And no villian ever had trouble finding the Command Center/Power Chamber. It was getting in that was the problem.

true but getting in wasn't a problem the Command Center only had a security feature where no one could enter UNDETECTED without a Power Coin. Tommy would've been able to teleport into the Command Center regardless of whether he had Rita's coin or not when he was under her spell but the fact that he had the Coin made it so that his arrival was more of a surprise.

However in the case of Divatox yes that is puzzling as to why she didn't know where the Power Chamber was at but to be fair maybe her Periscope had limits since it had to appear out of something and if it did that in the Power Chamber then the alarm would've went off.

Rita only knew because of past history. I don't know how Zedd knew could've been past history as well but the Machines only knew because they were machines and could scan for it. Divatox didn't have anything like that.

Zordon Prime
11/26/17, 10:56 PM
If Zordon was still around she never would have been able to have her army enter it.