View Full Version : Once A Ranger

02/18/12, 11:03 PM
I was wondering how any of you members would do this kind of episode.

Would you do it pretty much exactly as it was written?
Would you change it so that it made more sense story-wise?
Would you keep the same Retro Rangers or would you pick different ones?
Would you have 5 Rangers or 6 Rangers?

Mad Dragon
02/19/12, 12:55 AM
Well. The whole point of doing the 2-parter was for nostalgia (I assume) so I would have brought back a villain that hadn't been confirmed as being wiped out by the Z-Wave.(Instead of creating Thrax.) I think it would have worked out better then. Forever Red created those remnants of the Empire from those Beetleborg Costumes but at least they had Serpentera there to hit the nostalgia also.

I know it would've been near impossible but it would have been great to maybe see someone from Space and maybe a Ranger from after the Zordon era but still in Saban Era (LG - TF)

02/19/12, 01:33 AM
Yea, Johnny was basically the best choice out of the Saban-era since he was the only one that was willing to do it just as a favor to a crew member.

and good point with bringing back a previous evil character but we have no clue what suits ended up in the shredder.

They probably wanted to go with a new character but one related to a past villain so that they didn't have to worry about finding a suitable voice replacement.

Mad Dragon
02/21/12, 07:18 AM
Yea, Johnny was basically the best choice out of the Saban-era since he was the only one that was willing to do it just as a favor to a crew member.

Yeah. I wonder if it was just connection problems and not that fact that no-one else wanted to do it.

I mean. You see these Power-Morphicon Panels every year with loads of old rangers willing to come out and chat with their fans and whatnot and do interviews and Series panels. I watched a video on Youtube and realised they had like at least 3-6 members on each panel from every season. That's gotta give at least some indication that there are loads more actors from the Saban Era who wouldn't mind coming back. But yeah. Johnny was the most convenient.

And good point with bringing back a previous evil character but we have no clue what suits ended up in the shredder.

Yeah. It just would have been really nice to see an older villain. Someone who had supposedly died in the Z-Wave but was off-screen at the time of the event. Someone like Goldar. It would have been nice to see someone like him back. Not that major villain of a series or anything. Just something really nostalgic that takes you back to the earlier Saban Era. But I understand where you are coming from with the Suits.

04/15/12, 11:13 PM
Actors going to a convention that is for the fans is 1 thing but it's not a film production and there's also the fact that the convention is always in California, they won't ever be moving it out-of-state for that very simple reason.

Since Power Rangers is being shot in New Zealand and it's been non-union ever since Disney moved it down there, it's going to create even more of a headache with getting previous actors to return.

04/25/12, 11:40 PM
Now to get back on topic, I would have kept everything almost the same except Overdrive wouldn't be quitting so easily.

Another difference is I would have went with 6 Rangers. Adam, Kira, Tori, Xander and Bridge are all fine selections considering what they had to work with all of the other issues involving the production however I definitely would have went with a 6th Ranger.

Let's see..... I would have went with Merrick from Wild Force or perhaps.... how about Daggeron or Leanbow?

Thrax was a nice idea but instead of making him be Rita and Zedd's son, they should have made him be their brother or something or a distant cousin or something like that.

Mad Dragon
04/26/12, 10:28 AM
Thinking a bit more about it. From what I remember.. Adam turned up and they basically all just fell in behind Adam. Might have been more interesting to see a few more older Rangers just for the Fact that they would be more experienced and not have a whole load of Recent Rangers over the past 4-5 years show up and get lead by a Veteran.

Because I'm sure both of us don't want to get into another discussion about Unions and whatnot MattEmily. Pay no attention to that fact that they probably wouldn't return to the set in real-life. XD

Adam from MMPR
Bridge from SPD coming as Blue (Drop the whole Sky got promoted Story)
Andros from In Space
Kira from Dino Thunder
Jen for Pink (TF)
Ryan From Lightspeed

Followed by a Zord Battle? Each Megazord from the Seasons shown?

Astro Megazord Mark 2
S.W.A.T Flyers
Ninja Megazord? Or using the assumed Dormant Dragonzord?
Thundersaurus Megazord
Time Flyers
Most Zords were destroyed in Lightspeed... Ryan could just tag along with someone else XD

04/26/12, 01:26 PM
Agreed, that would have been a good selection as well.

For Adam, I would think the Thunder Megazord or his Shogunzord would be a better option.
Also Kira wouldn't be able to use any zords since all of those zords except for the Dragozord got destroyed.
Granted there's always an excuse they can use to bring back any destroyed zords so a zord being destroyed isn't really enough of a reason not to use it.

Personally, if we went according to whatever we wanted and didn't judge it according to the show's union status or not then here is what my pick would be.

Tommy (Black Ranger) = Due to Will being a Black Ranger.
Jen because she's a Pink Ranger and Rose is one. Or perhaps they could use Kendrix because both Kendrix and Rose are smart. Kendrix may not be book smart like Rose is but she's still smart.
Tori - Sure, she came back for Dino Thunder but I still would have picked her because she was the first female Blue Ranger.
Taylor = Because she and Ronny are Yellow Rangers.
Any Red Ranger they could have gotten except for SPD. Preferably Andros.
Also either Zhane or Merrick due to the Mercury Ranger being a Silver Ranger. Preferably Zhane.
Also because of the Sentinel Knight gaining a new form, we would also include him in the fight which means we had a veteran ally as well so let's make it be Ninjor.

05/01/12, 06:56 PM
I wanna know how Alpha got in that box.

05/01/12, 07:36 PM
I'm sure a lot of us are wanting to know that as well.

How did Alpha 6 get into that box? Did Mirinoi send him back since they had no use for him?

05/02/12, 08:44 AM
For that Anniversary episode I would have tried to get either JDF or ASJ back for the role of being from the original team over JYB. How much more original can you get than that? Or at least if they wanted to go with the Black Ranger get Walter Jones back as Zack. The rest was okay. Even getting JDF back as the GREEN Ranger would have been really cool! Yeah, I like that idea better. Since the team was supposed to be past and future members...

Tommy - Green Ranger (MMPR)
Kira - Yellow (Dino Thunder)
Eric - Red (Quantum) (Time Force)
Tori - Blue (Ninja Storm)
Dillon - Black (RPM)

That would have been a cool team!