View Full Version : PRO Fan Fic Submission

03/19/11, 07:14 PM
I am trying to build a fan fic archive for PRO. If you would like a fic posted here or elsewhere to appear on the website, let me know. Provide the link for the fic so I can c and p it. Also give me the name you want to be credited as. Keep the stories PG 13 and below ( indicate when parental guidance is needed).

08/30/11, 01:11 PM
Aura and Shinobi Knights will both be adapted from the two series not used by Saban and the membership of the board will help to write new US episodes and replace Japanese Cast footage with a new US plot. Great Ranger was skipped due to violence and Hidden Ranger was only briefly used as MMAR. There will be a NEW story for Great Ranger which as stated was skipped.

04/22/14, 08:28 PM
I don't believe PRangerX is planning on doing this anymore (can't be 100% certain but I haven't seen any evidence of it) but I am planning on having a Fanfic section for my site so if anyone is interested on having their fics posted to it then please feel free to let me know.

04/22/14, 08:40 PM
Got a link?

I guess maybe I'll finally start writing that Power Rangers Reloaded idea I had or my Yami Senshi Youkaiou one.

04/23/14, 04:06 PM
not yet, don't have any fics submitted... yet. you can always post them here or email it to (whatever)@rangerarchive.com

the (whatever) means you can input anything there and it'll be sent to my site inbox there.

04/23/14, 04:16 PM
I see thanks.

04/23/14, 04:21 PM
no problem.

I'm in the process of creating a page for it though but won't upload it until I have some fics.

Let's see what categories I have so far.
American TV Shows.
American TV Shows adapted from Japanese footage.
Video Games.

oh yeah, comic books and yes I'll split them a part in that section based on Marvel and DC.

04/23/14, 04:22 PM
oh yeah... books and movies.

09/15/14, 01:42 AM
I'm currently in the process of uploading this section to my website.